Indonesian book about Application Lifecycle Management

This book is already written in December 2011, but the pulisher finsihed their work in October 2012. It not a perfect book but hope you can enjoy the fun of building an application in software engineering and ALM concept. You can find my latest book entritled "Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak yang dinamis dengan Global Extreme Programming" This book will tell you about how to

  • Capturing dynamic and every day changes requirements
  • Creating quick design and prototype for your solution
  • Non technical things about your codes development
  • Moving to the production line and release your software

This book is Indonesian you can read the full abstract here

Wanna buy online visit or visit your near bookstore


P.S. this book is on the way in English format and will be published in Lap Lambert Publishing. If you are not an Indonesian people wait the English version

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