Building Xamarin IOS in The Cloud

You might want a way how to develop iOS without buying Mac? The quick answer for this is MacInCloud. MacInCloud is a good way when you:

  • Seasonal developer, or just create a mac app for one or two months. It is definitely cheap with 29$ / month with VTST Build agents plan
  • Having a reliable connection to the cloud / internet
  • You are don't have a budget to buy mini mac that cost you 500$
  • Quick setup if you understand the build agent

I personally prefer using macincloud, because doesn't have a reason to spend more on Mac Mini. However, there are some drawbacks on using macincloud such as.

  • The simulator is slow.
  • The network should be friendly enough to remote desktop
  • You should understand the build concept on VSTS.

Good luck to develop with Xamarin.

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