Business Analyst Notebook - Demonstration to Customer

Dmonstration is a good way to show proposed solution, progress update, or even business process, Demonstration can be done by delivering a similar product, prototype, or proposed software. This article will discuss how to prepare demonstration for your customer. This is five steps to create great demonstration. Ask yourself, what vision that you want to share to the customer. Showing your produ... [More]

Business Analyst Handbook - Proposal

Proposal is the first important things that we should prepare to bind between customer and our team. Comprehensive proposal will clarify any vision, mission, and solution that we need to provide to the customer. On this post, we will show you four steps to create proposal.  Collaborate with the Team Proposal is a document that is created by the entire team. Not only, business analyst but al... [More]

Business Analyst Notebook - Meeting

Today, I am having goo d conversation with some people that has a background as business analyst. This post will tell you about three things that business analyst needs to be done when meeting the client. medianet_width = "600"; medianet_height = "250"; medianet_crid = "858385152"; medianet_versionId = "3111299"; Before ... [More]

ASP.NET web forms learning path

We already in the era of ASP.NET MVC. However, some project in the enterprise or SME still used the ASP.NET web forms. This post will brush and review our knowledge in web forms. This curation is taken from many sources includes the Here there are. Tutorial Getting started with ASP.NET web forms ASP.NET learn data access membership provider  Self ... [More]

Emotion and Music in Software Development

Music is part of human life. Some music makes a cure some music cause disorder (Rose & Bartsch, 2009). Pleasant music has a potential to reduce the stress and anxiety. High beat music will endorse people to have more spirit than before. There are a magic connection between the music genre with the emotion of the human. High tempo music will make brain stimulate the heartbeat faster than the sl... [More]

Software Engineering Research Landscape in 2019

In the era of AI and Industry 4.0, I am wondering what is the role of software engineering? What current trend in software engineering research? And What the next agenda of software engineering research. This article will give you a sort insight based on current trend of software engineering in ACM SIGSOFT The Most Cited Researches all the time Unit Testing Software Architecture Source Code ... [More]

Learning Activity - Secure The Cloud

Thank you for visiting this page, you can download the worksheet file here Worksheet-Summer Course Cloud Crypt.pdf (141.71 kb) You can see the slides hete Summer course 2019 cloud cryptography from Ridi Fe //

Security in The Microsoft Azure

Security is one of the key foundations in the cloud computing. On this session, we will discuss about the related product and services in the cloud. The product and services will help you to setup the security in the cloud computing perimeters. Security Center Security center is just like anti-virus system in the cloud. It is a control center to manage security management and threat protection.... [More]

The Implementation of Cryptography in the cloud

Let's imagine how Microsoft store the Office 365 customer data in multi-tenant environment, how Microsoft Azure secures the medical records to fulfill HIPAA standard, or how Xbox Live player can enjoy their digital games. On of the answer is cryptography. define cryptography as Easttom (2015) in his Modern Cryptography book mention that: Cryptography is the study of how to alter a message so tha... [More]

5 Tips to Become Happy Developer

Developer is the most requested talent in information technology. although the business is alike, there are some scenario that can't be delivered by the commercial software. Therefore, some business need developer to build their custom software. On this article, we discuss about five tips that you need to care if you want to become high quality developer. This is just general tips that might be wo... [More]

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This blog will be dedicated to integrate a knowledge between academic and industry need in the Software Engineering, DevOps, Cloud Computing and Microsoft 365 platform. Enjoy this blog and let's get in touch in any social media.


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