Measuring the Developer Workload

Measure what you can measure, I believe in order to understand the problem of productivity is by measuring the velocity of the developer based on the workload. The question is how to measure the developer workload. let's discuss on this article.   The Metrics   the metric that can be measured in various way. In Agile, we will use story point. However, story point is relative measure... [More]

Object Oriented Analysis and Design Overview

On this video, you will learn how to convert your software requirements into a software model / design. This video will tell you what steps that you need to model your software. We will discuss about Implement OOAD in formal manner by using UML Implement OOAD in Agile process by using user story Connecting the model into an architecture  After following this video, you can continue ... [More]

User Requirements Cheatsheet

Hello, this document consists of cheat sheet / workbook guide to analyse the user requirements with Agile or Formal Process.  Formal Process: Use case. Activity Diagram  Agile Process: user story, user tasks  You can download the document here  Workbook 2.pdf (99,40 kb) After following the guide, you can document the user activity on your software and compare it with t... [More]

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