Fix OneNote Screen Clipping Shortcut After Installing Windows 8.1

Problem Windows 8.1 overrides the Windows + S shortcut for screen clipping on OneNote to a search function. This article is for some people that wan to make the Screensclipping shortcut works after installing Solution In order to restore the functionality of shrotcut, we should move the Screencliping shortcut into new shortcut. Here are the tips     Close OneNote including ... [More]

Trend of IT for Student

In this event, i talk about numerous trend of IT and share about the career opportunity for student. Several tips, arguments, and story are well described here. Frankly speaking, we need the innovation as the core of your career, creating a value will be a good way to create better career and better future for student like us.

Making Money on Windows Platform

In this slide, I share about how to create an opportunity as a windows developer thorugh windows store and windows phone marketplace. You can read the 78 pages here. This slide is presented on Technesia Yogyakarta Gathering , 9 September 2013. Cheers,

Windows Store Gaming Platform

In this slide deck, I will share you a basic understanding of Windows Store Gaming Platform with Visual Studio 2012. If you visit the DevCamp Windows Store Game Development, you will get plenty of demos from me. See you there on the event. If you miss the event you can see the slidedeck here \

Energy means Move to The Cloud Computing

This slide is an introduction about cloud computing in Level 100. The slides will discuss Cloud computing on our daily need Cloud computing needs Windows Azure as a Cloud Computing platform You can read the full slide here Ciao

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This blog will be dedicated to integrate a knowledge between academic and industry need in the Software Engineering, DevOps, Cloud Computing and Microsoft 365 platform. Enjoy this blog and let's get in touch in any social media.

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