Building Xamarin IOS in The Cloud

You might want a way how to develop iOS without buying Mac? The quick answer for this is MacInCloud. MacInCloud is a good way when you: Seasonal developer, or just create a mac app for one or two months. It is definitely cheap with 29$ / month with VTST Build agents plan Having a reliable connection to the cloud / internet You are don't have a budget to buy mini mac that cost you 500$ Quick ... [More]

Do We Need Microsoft Flow?

Imagine that you want to automate your daily task such as uploading an attachment from an email to your OneDrive. In the past, you can do that by creating an app and then use the provided API. Those tasks can only happen if you have a programming skill. But today, the communication between one service to the other services can be easily implemented with Microsoft Flow technology. Microsoft Technol... [More]

5 Things that you need to know before doing Load Testing

So, we have the application and we want to do load test. Before we do a load test, this is five things that you need to need to consider before you want to do load test. #1 Load testing doesn't support UI Code testing (for Now) If you want to do load test with specific activity such as buying or shipping. You can record to the UI Coded testing but you can't do that on a load test. #2 You can'... [More]

Development Team Patterns

Building Jell team for software development is not as easy as we think. There are several thinks on team development that we need to consider before we build a product. This webcast shows several things to do and to understand such as The team development lifecycle from forming, storming, norming, and performing The natural team characteristic The building blocks to build the natural team ... [More]

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This blog will be dedicated to integrate a knowledge between academic and industry need in the Software Engineering, DevOps, Cloud Computing and Microsoft 365 platform. Enjoy this blog and let's get in touch in any social media.

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