
On this page, you can download or purchase my published books. please visit this page occasionally to get updates for my latest book. The books are sorted from the newest to the oldest.

  1. Blended Learning dengan Microsoft Teams. 2022. Andi Publisher. ISBN: 978-623-01-2769-4, Buy now on Andi Publisher
  2. IDIOT engineering. 2020. Kesaint Blanc. ISBN: 9786024772512. Buy Now on Tokopedia
  3. Engineering Design Pada Sistem Informasi. 2020. UGM Press. ISBN: 978-602-386-909-1. Buy now on Tokopedia
  4. Dasar-Dasar Manajemen Proyek Teknologi Informasi. 2017. Graha Ilmu. ISBN. 978-602-73914-0-6. Buy Now on Tokopedia
  5. Solusi Cloud Computing dengan Microsoft Azure. 2016. Elex Media Komputindo. ISBN. 9786020278322. Buy Now on BukuKita
  6. Lync Online: Sebagai Media Pendukung Pendidikan Jarak Jauh. 2014. Lulu Publisher. Buy Now on Lulu Publisher
  7. Petunjuk Praktis Office 365 Bagi Organisasi. Lulu Publisher. 2013. ISBN 9781304147288. Buy Now on Lulu Publisher
  8. Productive Learning with Microsoft Learning Suite. Lulu Publisher. 2013. ISBN 9781300641292. Buy Now on Lulu Publisher
  9. Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak Yang Dinamis Dengan Global Extreme Programming. Andi Publisher. 2012.  ISBN 9789792923124. Buy Now on Bukukita
  10. Membangun Aplikasi Smart Client Pada Platform Windows Mobile 2nd Edition. Elex Media Komputindo. 2014. ISBN 978-9792729610. Buy Now on Amazon
  11. Windows Presentation Foundation: Just Code It. MIC Press. 2009. Download Free at 
  12. Visual Web Developer: How To: MIC Press. 2008. Download Free at (1 Million Download Records!)
  13. Blog Engine: Just Code It. MIC Press. 2007. Download Free on 
  14. Membangun Aplikasi Smart Client Dengan Visual C# Dan Visual Web Developer Express. Andi Publisher. 2006. ISBN: 979-763-606-2. Buy Now on BukuKita

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