Visual Studio 2015 Installation Tips

Visual Studio 2015 is there, you will have three versions of Visual Studio such as Visual Studio 2015 Community, Visual Studio 2015 Professional, Visual Studio 2015 Enterprise, and Visual Studio Tester. Despite of the version, this is several tips before you install the Visual Studio Download the ISO not the Web Installer. Web installer will make your installation longer even you have 20 Mbps co... [More]

Understanding Windows 10 SKU Version

Windows 10 is there, you might already download it to your PC. And you might be have question about what version that Windows 10 have. Windows 10 has several SKU's. This post will give you a quick brief what the SKU and what the purpose of each SKU. Windows 10 Home. The Windows 10 home is dedicated for home user who use the Desktop PC. If you have a desktop PC this edition is proper for you. W... [More]

Comparing Xamarin and Cordova on Visual Studio 2015

In Visual Studio 2015, you have two options to build mobile apps. The first one is to use the power of the modern web (HTML5+CSS+JS) and the second one is to use the power of C# and object oriented language. This article will discuss those two implementation namely Apache Cordova for building mobile app using the power of web, and Xamarin to develop with the C# language. Xamarin Some of you mig... [More]

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