Definition of Start and Definition of Done in Software Project

When building a software project. You might have a way to define when to start the software project and when to finish a software project. On this article, we will discuss about the definition of start and definition of done in software project. The definition of start will discuss when a good time to start a project. While the definition of done will discuss when a good time to deliver the softwa... [More]

Requirements Changes Management in Product Backlog

Changes are not avoided; every perfect requirement might have been changed when the project run. In this article, we will discuss five things that you can do when changes happen. On this article, we assume you already have the Azure DevOps. We will use Scrum discipline. So, let's get started. Write down the changes It is good idea to write down the changes and discuss it with customers. My idea... [More]

Product Backlog with Example in Azure DevOps

Many of the readers, ask me how to create 'the right' product backlog in Azure DevOps. How to make sure that the requirement is correct and sufficient for developing a software. If you already read the previous article here. You will find the basic information about the fields in Azure Boards. If you go further to complete the requirements, you should combine the azure boards fields with the Scrum... [More]

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