The Best Way to do Sprint Planning

After product owner creates product backlog based on the customer voices. The next agenda is to select the product backlog to a sprint. If you are wondering how to create an user story format in product backlog you can see this video. On this video, we will discuss what you need to do in Sprint Planning. There are five steps in sprint planning namely: Creating a sprint length and release. Rede... [More]

Ordering Product Backlog on A Sprint

One of the most critical activities by the development team in Scrum is ordering the product backlog into sprint backlog. As you know, the product backlog is a user story that developed by the product owner based on the interaction between the product owner and the customer. When product backlog is agreed between customer and the product owner. The product backlog will be stored in a 'place' where... [More]

Five Steps to Build Working Software in 30 Days

Building software is not easy as it gets. The technical complexity and non-technical complexity are combined. On this article, we will discuss the process and the steps to build working software in 30 days. Now let's discuss about the steps. There are 5 steps that you can follow when building working software. Before we start, let's define what is working software Working software is software tha... [More]

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