Managing Organizational Digital Assets in NAS

Your organization produces digital assets every day. Receipt from a customer, invoice from a vendor, slides from your partner, or even reimburse from business expenses. The digital assets should be saved for regulatory standards such as tax reports, financial reports, and organization performance reports. Today, I will discuss how to manage your digital assets in the NAS or the cloud. Requiremen... [More]

AI Learning Path for Novice

Learning AI by Doing It As a person who does not have a perfect background on Mathematics and Basic Science, learning AI is somewhat challenging. However, AI is not a new kid on the block. If you want to start to learn AI by today, you shall find numerous things to learn and it will become complicated. On this article, I want to share about how to learn AI with the minimum effort at the beginning... [More]

Accelerating .NET development in AWS

.NET is a first-class citizen in Microsoft Azure. However, you might have a customer who want to develop with .NET but use their existing Amazon AWS infrastructure. Is it hard to start with non-Microsoft environment? This article shows my experience when having Microsoft .NET solution but hosted in AWS. Terminology between AWS and Azure As a developer, we might think that is a solution in AWS do... [More]

Ten Tips Managing Microsoft Teams

If you are an administrator, you might need to manage Microsoft Teams to suite your organization needs and policy. In this article, we discuss about ten most activities that you might be done in Microsoft Teams. #1 Managing Guest Having a guest and you want to manage it. You can use the Azure AD to manage the external settings. Azure AD -> Users -> User Settings - > External Users - ... [More]

Is Debugging still needed for test driven development?

Test Driven DevelopmentOne of the implementation of eXtreme Programming is test driven development. Test driven development uses unit test to make sure the consistency and quality of the codes. Test driven development is started with the unit test in mind.   // Creating unit test project Designing unit test codes Running the unit test and make it fail Creating the codes to make it ... [More]

MLOps a DevOps Culture for Machine Learning

What is MLOps and Why You Should Care? MLOps is a DevOps in Machine Learning Project. Just imagine you have a project to build an AI 'empowered' software. You need to build the AI feature through machine learning approach. You should build model, test the model, and implement it into your software. There are extra steps you should fulfill and implement the MLOps means you can make sure that the m... [More]

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