Is Debugging still needed for test driven development?

Test Driven DevelopmentOne of the implementation of eXtreme Programming is test driven development. Test driven development uses unit test to make sure the consistency and quality of the codes. Test driven development is started with the unit test in mind.   // Creating unit test project Designing unit test codes Running the unit test and make it fail Creating the codes to make it pass  Running the unit test So are we still need a debugger. The answer is Absolutely we just make sure the codes it worked, but we forgot there is some possibility such as  Wrong data inputted by the customer Network and configuration Process anomaly Therefore, the bugs possibility still exist and we still need a great debugger to make developer productive.  Getting started in DebuggerDebugging process is not only run with the debugger and do step by step. Debugging consists several activity such as  creating break point. it can be casual breakpoint, inline breakpoint (breakpoint for single but complex statement), conditional breakpoint (breakpoint that only works based on specific expression) Setting variable to watch Running the debugger Analyzing the process and watched variable Finding the bug and fix it. Running the unit test to make sure that the codes don't break   Debugger in Visual Studio and Visual Studio Codes Visual Studio and Visual Studio Codes has several great features to debug such as Turn back the time. The debugger on Visual Studio not only can slow the codes so we can think but also we can step backward Logpoints. The logpoints create unique model of the breakpoint. Logpoints save the breakpoint information into a log. Log can be learned later. Remote debugging. The remote debugging feature helps you to debug the deployed system such azure VM, app services, web, or universal windows store app. You can learn here about remote debugging.   want to learn more, you can visit the debugger here     //

Entity Framework 6 in Object Oriented

On this video, we discuss about how to use Entity Framework 6 as an Object Relational Mapping tool. We discuss how to: Prepare the database  Configure connection string on database Creating entity model Consuming the model  You can watch the video here. //

Object Oriented in the real worlds

On this video, we will learn about how the object oriented can be applied in the real worlds. This video will discuss Application types that support Object oriented programming model Steps to build an application based on OOP model Three principles to create application namely: open close principle, modularity, and loosely coupled CMA techniques : class, method, and attributes Feature driven development and intro about test driven development This video is part of programming fundamental series.  //

Object Relational Mapping with Entity Framework Core

On this tutorial video we will learn some of the basic of ORM (Object Relational Mapping) such as: What is ORM and why you should care ORM or not ORM ORM - Entity Framework Entity Framework 6 vs Entity Framework Core Building a sample in EF Core in .NET Core application  Enjoy this video,    //

Configuring Database with OOAD Approach

On this video, we will discuss our first step to integrate our software with the database. On this tutorial video you will learn. how to choose database on a software solution (Flat files vs Database System) how to design database  how to convert database structure into visual studio project  how to configure our database access library. You can see the video here  //

Object Oriented Analysis and Design Overview

On this video, you will learn how to convert your software requirements into a software model / design. This video will tell you what steps that you need to model your software. We will discuss about Implement OOAD in formal manner by using UML Implement OOAD in Agile process by using user story Connecting the model into an architecture  After following this video, you can continue to build your codes by following architecture patterns. See you in the next video.  //

How To: Integrating Microsoft Graph API in Your ASP.NET MVC

Problem You want to develop web application that use data from Microsoft Graph especially data from Office 365. You already follow the tutorial from Microsoft Docs, but you need to find a better and quick integration with Visual Studio 2019 by minimizing the codes development medianet_width = "600"; medianet_height = "250"; medianet_crid = "858385152"; medianet_versionId = "3111299"; Before we start We need to make sure you have this before we get started Office 365 subscription. If you need the sandbox environment my recommendation is to register to Microsoft 365 Developer Program Visual Studio 2019 Community or Better Azure Active Directory that already activated by default when you have Office 365 Subscription This tutorial assumes that you use your own Azure AD. Let's Get Started Step 1 – Login with your Account in Visual Studio Open your Visual Studio Select Continue without Code Click File – Account Settings Click Add an Account Add you Office 365 Account that has an access to the Azure AD Step 2 – Creating a Visual Studio Project File, New, Project (Ctrl + Shift + N) Choose ASP.NET Web Application Create your project, I recommend you follow this naming Please follow the animation below Step 3 – Add Additional API Permission in Azure AD Visit the azure AD portal by login with Your Azure AD owner account. In this case, I use my Office 365 developer program account Configure the API permission by selecting Azure Active Directory, Your Application, and API Permission. Please follow this animation On this example, we want to read the Calendar and Basic Profile of Office 365 Account Step 4 – Adding Microsoft Graph Codes Functionality Please add Graph client library for MVC, by Right Click of Package and select Nuget Package Manager, click browse and search for Microsoft Graph We are ready to go here are the brief what we will do in this step: (1) changing the codes from Azure AD endpoint ( to Microsoft 365 endpoint (; (2) creating codes helpers to consume the Graph API We will discuss the codes in the video tutorial (please see below) Step 5 – Creating Controller, View, and Model for Calendar function This is routine step to create controller, view, and model. This step is described in video tutorial (please see below) You can download the codes in the OneDrive medianet_width = "600"; medianet_height = "250"; medianet_crid = "858385152"; medianet_versionId = "3111299";

Five Things that you do in Visual Studio 2019 to Improve your codes

Building codes is one of the top missions of any software developer in the world. Improving our codes to improve code readability, maintenance, and performance. Today, we will discuss five things that you can do to improve your code's quality by using Visual Studio. Let's get started   // #1 Code analyzers This is a good feature to understand your codes better. This technique uses FX cop to analyze your codes. You will have a recommendation, code-tips, and comments about your codes based on common coding practices #2 Code Cleanup You can run code cleanup to clean and to eliminate useless codes. You can configure the clean up just like a disk cleanup in windows. Less is more. #3 Live share Need a code monkey or support from the expert pals. You can get in touch with them by using Live Share. Live share is a code-sharing feature by using live streaming protocol. You can collaborate with more than five persons to build codes on the same pages. The editing process will be live just like document editing in Office 365. Just give them a link, and you are ready to go #4 Refactoring Refactoring comes with quick action features that allow you to improve the codes through a contextual recommendation. Just hover your codes and choose quick actions and refactoring, you will amaze how refactor process can help you to compose efficient codes. #5 Say no to Copy and Paste Codes Visual Studio has a code clones features to help you identify the repetitive codes. You can run the code clones, and the Visual Studio will help you identify the replicated codes and how to manage it. Pro Tips: Run the code clones, and then refactoring will make you. That's it five tips to manage your codes easily by using Visual Studio 2019, have other tips to improve your codes? Just put in the comment, and I will add it to the list. Enjoy your weekend //

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This blog will be dedicated to integrate a knowledge between academic and industry need in the Software Engineering, DevOps, Cloud Computing and Microsoft 365 platform. Enjoy this blog and let's get in touch in any social media.


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