Understanding Cloud Computing as Enabler

Cloud is anywhere, from the consumer to the enterprise. Many of them already adopt the cloud. Cloud computing is not only a technology but culture that you might need to understand. We start to see the benefit cloud for personal such as storing files with better flexibility in access and space. Organization sees a cloud as enabler to expand their business without invest on capital expense. You can... [More]

SOLID Principle is still work in the modern era?

The SOLID era There are three things that early programmer knows in the object-oriented programming (OOP) concept. OOP Pillars: Abstraction, Polymorphism, Inheritance, Encapsulation. It is a basic pillar that programmer should know how to develop software with OO in mind. SOLID Principle: developer principles when want to build solution with OOP Pillars. Design Patterns: a ready to use recipe... [More]

The Simplicity in User Manual

User manual is still needed. However, it should as simple as possible. The real question is, what the content of user manual that can be as simple as possible and provide simplicity guide for the user. This article will guide it for you. If you are Scrum or XP user, this agile user manual is for you. This is the improvement of my previous post Creating Agile User Manual (ridilabs.net) What you P... [More]

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