SOLID Principle is still work in the modern era?

The SOLID era There are three things that early programmer knows in the object-oriented programming (OOP) concept. OOP Pillars: Abstraction, Polymorphism, Inheritance, Encapsulation. It is a basic pillar that programmer should know how to develop software with OO in mind. SOLID Principle: developer principles when want to build solution with OOP Pillars. Design Patterns: a ready to use recipe that can be used by the programmer. The recipe includes SOLID principle in adoption. OOAD (Object Oriented Analysis and Design): a structured method to develop solution based on OO. What is SOLID? SOLID is an abbreviation of: Single Responsibility: Class should only changes because its main responsibility. Therefore, the class should be independent for changes do not depend on the other classes. We can do this principle by applying abstraction pillar. Open Closed Principles: Class should avoid modification, but it should extend when needed. We can do this principle by applying Inheritance and interface (Encapsulation) pillar. Liskov Substitution: Children class can replace the parent class when necessary. Therefore, the dependency with specific classes can be avoided and substituted with other classes. This principle can be applied by using Inheritance and Polymorphism. Interface Segregation: Breakdown the interface into smaller interfaces, never force a class to implement a method. This principle can be applied by using interface (Encapsulation) and abstraction pillar. Dependency Inversion: (Parent/Abstract) High level classes never depends on (Children/Concrete) low level classes. Program in interface not in implementation. This principle can be applied by using encapsulation and abstraction pillar. medianet_width = "600"; medianet_height = "250"; medianet_crid = "858385152"; medianet_versionId = "3111299"; The Analysis in SOLID Principle If you read my statement about what pillar that related with SOLID, we will find some 'secret' behind of the concept. The SOLID principle fulfils low in coupling and high in cohesion. In simple definition 'class should strong enough to break, and relation between classes should be weak enough to be independent'. Please see the illustration below Want to see and example of SOLID Principle? Just visit the VSID YouTube Channel How do you think? is the SOLID principle still relevant? put your comment medianet_width = "600"; medianet_height = "250"; medianet_crid = "858385152"; medianet_versionId = "3111299";

Upgrading your SVN client to support Visual Studio 2012

Problem In Visual Studio 2010, the rocket-SVN client work best. However, it’s not supported in Visual Studio 2012 and there are no plan from the developer that the Rocket SVN will be updated to support Visual Studio 2012. Solution The solution is to switch the SVN solution to Tortoise SVN. After you installing the tortoise you should do some upgrade or create new working copy. This video tell you how to Adding a new local copy from your SVN server Upgrading your current local SVN server to work with new Tortoise Enjoy this video

Bootstrapper for SQL Compact 4 and Sync Framework 2.1

Deployment is an important step in an ALM. Building smooth and good experience in installation will make the user happy and the application lifecycle management will be better. In .NET development application, the software distribution can be done two ways which are click once deployment and MSI installer. For the MSI Installer you might need to set dependency such as .NET Framework, Crystal Report, and others. Unfortunately, not the entire redistributable is ready to download in Microsoft side. You can download The SQL Compact 4 and Sync Framework here.

5 tips in source code management for developers

Having problem to manage your source code? or feeling inconfidence because you don’t have enough source code management. This Indonesian articlwe will share several usual tips for you and your developer team to manage your source codes bettr. You can download here or you can read here @ridife  

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