Building Entertainment Game for 24 Hours

If you have three days to build entertainment game like platformer, adventure, or classic shooting. You can use these tips to build your knowledge to build entertainment video game. Step 1. Find your Game Idea by playing a video game (1 hour) Visit the marketplace and try several video games. If possible, find the full samples of your games. Try to play it around. And do some mods with their gam... [More]

Big Data Getting Started

This article is accompanying article that is written to enrich the Big Data events on 19 March 2022. This article will help to prepare to learn big data. The fact is the big data is becoming pervasive with the others term like an AI, Business Intelligence, Machine Learning or even Robotic. However, having knowledge to understand how big data works and how to create Big data ecosystem. Are you rea... [More]

Virtual Desktop, Lab Services, and VM Comparison

When you have requirements to give your users an access to the virtual computer in the cloud, you will have several options. Virtual Machine. A traditional model of virtualization. Just thinking about your pc is to be virtualized Lab Services. A scheduled based VM that can be allocated and deallocated when you needed. VD – Virtual Desktop. A modern and managed controlled VM with additional i... [More]

Modern Application Choice

Today you might need a software to help your business grow. And you have a lot of choice. On this article, we want to discuss general and logical thinking when building application based on today development toolkit. You can find the logical thinking by following this flow. Flow 1. Is your application is already fulfilled by buying off the shelf software? If yes. It means you can buy the softwar... [More]

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This blog will be dedicated to integrate a knowledge between academic and industry need in the Software Engineering, DevOps, Cloud Computing and Microsoft 365 platform. Enjoy this blog and let's get in touch in any social media.

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