Call Graph API in PowerApps

Requirements We build PowerApps for the internal organization through the Canvas Model. And we need to read some useful information from the Graph API for user properties. Solution You have multiple way to read the User on The Office 365. Use the User function. If you just need email and name you can use this. You can read the detail here Use the Office365User. If you need access more... [More]

Getting Started Java with Visual Studio Code

Java is anywhere! Unfortunately, Java is not supported in Visual Studio 2019. You cannot build Spring in Visual Studio. The good news is you can start build java with Visual Studio Codes. Java is officially supported through JDK + Extension + Visual Studio Codes. Microsoft provides one single package namely Coding Pack for Java. You can install coding pack Java for Coding Pack Java for Windows ... [More]

Database Deployment in Visual Studio

A software project should have a database. You can use SQL or no-SQL database. You choose SQL when you work with structured data that should have specific constraint and schema. You choose no-SQL if you prefer a simple and high-performance data access. Visual Studio officially support both databases. On this article, we discuss what database option that we have and how to choose the correct option... [More]

Five Tips to Improve Your Productivity on a new year

Year is a just year, basically is just a calendar that show you a moment to reset and to improve yourself. It just like iteration on a software. And the software is You. If the software is a lot of bug, so you must fix it. If the software has few bugs, it is a good time to improve the performance add the feature. And many more! Today, we will discuss how to improve your productivity in 2021. Let'... [More]

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This blog will be dedicated to integrate a knowledge between academic and industry need in the Software Engineering, DevOps, Cloud Computing and Microsoft 365 platform. Enjoy this blog and let's get in touch in any social media.


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