Object Oriented Analysis and Design with Visual Studio

Today, i created a video about object oriented and analysis design overview. This document will discuss how to do software development by following OOAD approach. After watching this video, you will understand how to Create use case Create domain model Create class diagram  Create codes based on your class diagram Enjoy! medianet_width = "600"; medianet_height = "250"; medianet_crid = "858385152"; medianet_versionId = "3111299";

Five Things that you do in Visual Studio 2019 to Improve your codes

Building codes is one of the top missions of any software developer in the world. Improving our codes to improve code readability, maintenance, and performance. Today, we will discuss five things that you can do to improve your code's quality by using Visual Studio. Let's get started   // #1 Code analyzers This is a good feature to understand your codes better. This technique uses FX cop to analyze your codes. You will have a recommendation, code-tips, and comments about your codes based on common coding practices #2 Code Cleanup You can run code cleanup to clean and to eliminate useless codes. You can configure the clean up just like a disk cleanup in windows. Less is more. #3 Live share Need a code monkey or support from the expert pals. You can get in touch with them by using Live Share. Live share is a code-sharing feature by using live streaming protocol. You can collaborate with more than five persons to build codes on the same pages. The editing process will be live just like document editing in Office 365. Just give them a link, and you are ready to go #4 Refactoring Refactoring comes with quick action features that allow you to improve the codes through a contextual recommendation. Just hover your codes and choose quick actions and refactoring, you will amaze how refactor process can help you to compose efficient codes. #5 Say no to Copy and Paste Codes Visual Studio has a code clones features to help you identify the repetitive codes. You can run the code clones, and the Visual Studio will help you identify the replicated codes and how to manage it. Pro Tips: Run the code clones, and then refactoring will make you. That's it five tips to manage your codes easily by using Visual Studio 2019, have other tips to improve your codes? Just put in the comment, and I will add it to the list. Enjoy your weekend //

Beginner Guide for Azure Artifacts

You have three teams. The team has a new project called Hotel Technology. Hotel Technology provides end to end solution for room reservation and guest management. You create two main system the first one is web app (team A) and the second one is a windows app (Team B). Both developed with .NET Standard. The problem is two apps need one custom package namely Hotel Backend package. Hotel Backend Package is a custom package that updated by another teams (Team C). The question is how to make sure that the Team A and Team B always obtain the latest version of the Team C custom package. This kind scenario can be helped by the Azure Artifacts. medianet_width = "600"; medianet_height = "250"; medianet_crid = "858385152"; medianet_versionId = "3111299"; Azure Artifacts is a new kid on the block that help teams to maintain a development package that can be used across the team. Imagine the concept of custom dependency for a project. Azure Artifacts helps you to manage the package. Let's get started how we do that. Creating new feeds Registering feed to Package Manager Configuring the Builds Pipeline Obtain the feed artifacts Creating new feeds On this scenario, team c creates a feed. Feed is endpoint that broadcasted the custom package. In the Azure artifact, you can create new feed easily. The feed will be broadcasted as an URL that can be consumed through Visual Studio or another system. Feed works like NuGet Registering feed to Package Manager After creating a feed, you will obtain unique URL that can be registered in Visual Studio. This can be done by visiting NuGet package manager and add the package sources. Configuring the build pipeline The registered feed can be pushed by the Azure Pipeline. With NuGet Push, we can push the result of the build to the feed. Obtain the feed The feed can be obtained by refreshing the feed in visual studio or Azure artifacts page That's it, enjoy the artifacts and package management medianet_width = "600"; medianet_height = "250"; medianet_crid = "858385152"; medianet_versionId = "3111299";

Getting Started with Spotify API with Visual Studio

I have personal project to understand the meaning of music through Azure Cognitive Services. In order to obtain music information, I use Spotify. Spotify is a music subscription services just like Amazon, Pandora, or Apple Music. Spotify has API that can be accessed through our application. On this post, I will overview the Spotify API and how to integrate it on Visual Studio 2019 Development environment. medianet_width = "600"; medianet_height = "250"; medianet_crid = "858385152"; medianet_versionId = "3111299"; Before we begin You should register and create Spotify account and activate your developer account here. You should also install visual studio 2019 here Our Mission On this mission, we will explore the Spotify API and will create skeleton project in Visual Studio. #1 Creating and Application on Spotify You can login to Developer Dashboard on Spotify. If you have trouble login, I suggest you use another browser like Opera, I have login issue with Edge / Internet Explorer. You will create an app to get client ID and Client Secret. After obtaining client ID & Secret, we can continue the look the documentation #2 Understanding the Spotify API features Let's visit the docs pages here. You can see that Spotify has several categories on their API platform. The Web API. Many analytics scenario can be obtained through this API. Playlists, recommended song, history, and many more. It is good API for your music and personalization need. Web Playback. This will developer create music player by using Spotify control. IOS, Android, and Widgets. This API will have specific features for the selected platform. For this article, I will choose the Web API and see the dynamic documentation through console. You can explore the API, through console. It uses JSON for the data format. #3 Creating Spotify Project On this step, I will use class library that will use the Spotify API. You can create any project in Visual Studio. You have two choices to consume Spotify API. The first choice is by using JSON Parser (just like Newton Soft). The second choice is using the API wrapper. We use the second choice on this article Open your NuGet Manager and Search Spotify I use Spotify Net by installing through NuGet #4 Let's Call the API We got some help from Spotify Net. It means we don't need to do REST API call. I create a class library project with SpotifyHelper class. The AccessToken can be obtained from here and click the Get Token. In real project, we will create a login to obtain the token. The codes will list top ten artist based on user. #5 Let's test the API I create the windows forms app. Creating a simple interface and call the class library I get my top ten artist that listened by the user  That's it! You can try by yourself and ping me for any questions. medianet_width = "600"; medianet_height = "250"; medianet_crid = "858385152"; medianet_versionId = "3111299";

Visual Studio 2019 Installation Tips

On this video, we show you how to install the Visual Studio 2019 in elegant and modern way. The five tips show you how to minimize the problem in the installation. Here are the tips Choose the installation package based on your needs (never install the entire package) Always consider to visit the individual package to see your needs Restart your Windows first and make sure the space is sufficient. If you have Visual Studio 2017, install Visual Studio 2019 first to make installation faster by utilizing the existing package. Choose download all then install, rather than download and install here are the Indonesian video.   //

Object Oriented Pillar Demonstration

On this video, we will discuss about the object oriented pillars. it includes polymorphism, inheritance, and encapsulation. This 15 minutes video will tell you the story by creating an application namely CarApp. You can download the codes here You can visit related material here //

Software Testing Tips for Your Software

Building a software is good but testing a software will be great. Today we will discuss what kind of basic testing that you need when you built a software. This article will discuss three fundamental testing that can be done with minimal effort to improve the quality of your software. Unit testing Actor: Developer Unit testing is fundamental test to understand the functionality of the software. The idea of unit testing is to test the method / procedure through a testing framework. Visual Studio 2017 or Visual Studio 2019 helps you through specific features such as: // Unit Test Framework. Visual Studio provides template to create unit test project with MSTest or other compatible framework. It will help you to create skeleton of the unit testing. Live unit test. After you build unit test, you can make visual studio run unit test automatically when codes changed. IntelliTest. IntelliTest help you to create unit test automatically based on several input and output. Although the unit test codes are not created, visual studio provides mechanism to save the tests and reuse later. Please visit further information in Unit Testing Scenario Acceptance Test Actor: Tester, Customer Acceptance test can be used to test the user story or usage scenario of the software. Acceptance test can be helped by the Azure DevOps test plan. You can use test manager to test your software based on usage scenario. You can read further information about Acceptance test through test suite, test plan, and test case. You can learn more at Azure DevOps lab by using Azure Test Performance and Load Test Actor: Tester Staring in Visual Studio 2015, you can do performance and load test by using your local machine or cloud test. You can record your web activity through coded ui test/test recording and then use performance test to simulate the usage of your web application. You can read how to do that here Are you have any other test that you will use to make sure your software great, drop it in a comment   //

Getting started with Microsoft Graph on Windows Form

This tutorial shows you how to create a Windows Form application that use Microsoft Graph. This tutorial is part of digital documentation of Office 365 Global Bootcamp 2018 in Indonesia. You can download the codes here. you can view the quick tutorial here

Understanding Continuous Integration on Visual Studio Online

Some introduction Visual Studio give you cool features namely continuous integration. It is not new feature, however on new roll up of visual studio system they really exposed in the new homepage of your project. Here are some scenario that you want to expect from continuous integration Automatically build your solution when any developer do the checkout and monitor it the result on integrated screen Automatically deploy your codes into the Azure when your codes is built Executing unit test when the codes is build by any of your developers Any many more please visit https://www.visualstudio.com/en-sg/docs/build/get-started/dot-net Getting started Here is the quick video for it. Enjoy

Five Reason to Choose ASP.NET Web Forms

On this short video, we will discuss about a technology overview when choosing ASP.NET web forms. At least there are five reasons why you should choose ASP.NET web forms such as the rapid development environment, drag-and-drop support, and many more. Please view the video!   And how about a consideration why you don't need to use ASP.net web forms, just visit the comment and let's discuss //

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This blog will be dedicated to integrate a knowledge between academic and industry need in the Software Engineering, DevOps, Cloud Computing and Microsoft 365 platform. Enjoy this blog and let's get in touch in any social media.


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