An Easy way to move Office 365 .ost file on Outlook

Problem Your SSD have no space, at all and you need to move your Office 365 .ost file to other drive. IN order give a breath of your files and updates.       Solution We will do a simple trick to move .ost files tnto a new location Create a folder on other partition for example I create D:\Email Open your explorer copy this code to your browser address C:\Users\... [More]

OneDrive for Business Has Stopped Working Issues

Problem You have, Windows 8.1. and Office 2013 Pro Plus Installed and someday, you got an error that said OneDrive for Business Has Stopped Working – GROOVE.exe Cause There are a lot possibility, but the most common is the issues when the OneDrive fail to sync the file. Reinstall or Uninstall Office won’t help. Solution Please follow these steps Stop all the Office application that ... [More]

Fix OneNote Screen Clipping Shortcut After Installing Windows 8.1

Problem Windows 8.1 overrides the Windows + S shortcut for screen clipping on OneNote to a search function. This article is for some people that wan to make the Screensclipping shortcut works after installing Solution In order to restore the functionality of shrotcut, we should move the Screencliping shortcut into new shortcut. Here are the tips     Close OneNote including ... [More]

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