OneNote and OneNote 2016, which one is better?

In the last year, Microsoft discontinued the OneNote 2016. Microsoft replaces it with OneNote App that can be installed through Microsoft Store. According some review Microsoft OneNote app still lag behind with the OneNote 2016. Therefore, Microsoft still provide OneNote 2016 as a free software. Today we will compare the OneNote vs OneNote 2016, so you can keep which one that suite with your need.... [More]

Fix OneNote Screen Clipping Shortcut After Installing Windows 8.1

Problem Windows 8.1 overrides the Windows + S shortcut for screen clipping on OneNote to a search function. This article is for some people that wan to make the Screensclipping shortcut works after installing Solution In order to restore the functionality of shrotcut, we should move the Screencliping shortcut into new shortcut. Here are the tips     Close OneNote including ... [More]

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