Business Analyst Notebook - Demonstration to Customer

Dmonstration is a good way to show proposed solution, progress update, or even business process, Demonstration can be done by delivering a similar product, prototype, or proposed software. This article will discuss how to prepare demonstration for your customer. This is five steps to create great demonstration. Ask yourself, what vision that you want to share to the customer. Showing your produ... [More]

Business Analyst Handbook - Proposal

Proposal is the first important things that we should prepare to bind between customer and our team. Comprehensive proposal will clarify any vision, mission, and solution that we need to provide to the customer. On this post, we will show you four steps to create proposal.  Collaborate with the Team Proposal is a document that is created by the entire team. Not only, business analyst but al... [More]

Business Analyst Notebook - Meeting

Today, I am having goo d conversation with some people that has a background as business analyst. This post will tell you about three things that business analyst needs to be done when meeting the client. medianet_width = "600"; medianet_height = "250"; medianet_crid = "858385152"; medianet_versionId = "3111299"; Before ... [More]

Requirement Engineering in a nutshell

On this Indonesian video, we show you to understand what requirement engineering in a software product. And how to make sure you can build better software by applying requirement engineering. This video describes 5 things do and dont in requirement engineering. //

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