You clone your repository, and after creating a project, you commit to GitHub. However, GitHub tell you an error “Pipe Has Been Ended.”
There are several reasons why this case happens.
Misconfiguration of your GitHub setting
Some characters are not allowed to commit to GitHub.
Rebuild your project
On The Git Changes, find the Changes tab
Right-click on the changes, and ignore the .vs folder. You can do that by right-clicking and ignoring the item
Do local commit
Do commit to remote
Four years ago, I created a tutorial about how to use GIT in Visual Studio Codes. Time pass by, Visual Studio Codes provides better integration with GIT in their current version. In this article, we will show you how to use GIT easily in the Visual Studio Codes
Before we go
Before we dive into the integration between Visual Studio Codes and GIT. You need to have:
Current version of visual studio codes. Download here
Current version of Git. Download here
Account on SCM provides such as Azure DevOps Account, GitHub Account, Bitbucket, etc.
Step by Step
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Creating a project in SCM providers
Obtaining the clone repository URL
Installing SCM provider extension
Configuring authentication in Visual Studio Codes
Working and Testing GIT operation
You can see the Indonesian video here.
// video
First time about GIT? You can download this book, to get started.
Need more information about integration in Visual Studio Codes, you can read the document here
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