Beginner Guide for Azure Artifacts

You have three teams. The team has a new project called Hotel Technology. Hotel Technology provides end to end solution for room reservation and guest management. You create two main system the first one is web app (team A) and the second one is a windows app (Team B). Both developed with .NET Standard. The problem is two apps need one custom package namely Hotel Backend package. Hotel Backend Package is a custom package that updated by another teams (Team C). The question is how to make sure that the Team A and Team B always obtain the latest version of the Team C custom package. This kind scenario can be helped by the Azure Artifacts. medianet_width = "600"; medianet_height = "250"; medianet_crid = "858385152"; medianet_versionId = "3111299"; Azure Artifacts is a new kid on the block that help teams to maintain a development package that can be used across the team. Imagine the concept of custom dependency for a project. Azure Artifacts helps you to manage the package. Let's get started how we do that. Creating new feeds Registering feed to Package Manager Configuring the Builds Pipeline Obtain the feed artifacts Creating new feeds On this scenario, team c creates a feed. Feed is endpoint that broadcasted the custom package. In the Azure artifact, you can create new feed easily. The feed will be broadcasted as an URL that can be consumed through Visual Studio or another system. Feed works like NuGet Registering feed to Package Manager After creating a feed, you will obtain unique URL that can be registered in Visual Studio. This can be done by visiting NuGet package manager and add the package sources. Configuring the build pipeline The registered feed can be pushed by the Azure Pipeline. With NuGet Push, we can push the result of the build to the feed. Obtain the feed The feed can be obtained by refreshing the feed in visual studio or Azure artifacts page That's it, enjoy the artifacts and package management medianet_width = "600"; medianet_height = "250"; medianet_crid = "858385152"; medianet_versionId = "3111299";

Beginner Guide for Azure Test Plan

Hi Folks, we continue with our journey in Azure DevOps. Today, we will discuss the Azure Test Plan. Testing is a big deal in the software development process. The quality of the software comes from quality Azure Test Plan. This article will cover beginner guide for Azure Test Plan. In order to make it simple, we will separate some of technical detail in another post. So lets get started. Before we start In order to do Azure test plan, you should have Up and Running Azure DevOps. This service is free of charge. You can register to Kanban Board is ready. You should already setup your Azure Boards. You can see the beginner tutorial of Azure Board here If you want do a Load Test, having Azure Subscription is great, you can get in Beginner Guide Scenario On this guide, we will create a test plan, a test case. We will discuss load test in the next guide. medianet_width = "600"; medianet_height = "250"; medianet_crid = "858385152"; medianet_versionId = "3111299"; Step by Step Scenario Create a test plan. We will start creating a test plan. A test plan is a collection of a test case. It can be related with features or iteration. In this case, we will create a test plan based on iteration. We create a test plan in Sprint 1. Create a test case Test case is a set condition based on use case or user story to make sure the software satisfy the requirements. Test case is grouped into a test plan. In the test plan, we can create a test plan You should relate a test case into a use case or a user story. You can do that by add the link the user story as shown on the picture The most important things in a test case is step by step of the user action. Run a test case You can run a test case for web or desktop. Unfortunately, there is no option to run the test for mobile application For this example, we click run for web application. Your browser will create a pop up. You can do use acceptance testing by opening the web and then click based on the scenario You can click the checklist button if test is passed. Otherwise, you can click the cross button if failed test step. On this example, we have failed test in step 4. In this step you can fill the comment section Beside comment you can put the attachment and create bug. On this example, lets create a bug. The repro step is created, we just need to add the bug name, put the severity, add the effort estimation. Managing the Bugs The bugs will be stored in Azure Boards, and the test result will be on failure state. We can restart the test or edit test the case when necessary Conclusion On this step, we setup a test plan, create a test case, run a test, create a bug. In the next section will discuss automated testing. See you medianet_width = "600"; medianet_height = "250"; medianet_crid = "858385152"; medianet_versionId = "3111299";

Beginner Guide for Azure Repos

Repository (a.k.a Repos) is the core of source code storage. Today, I want to show you how to choose and to manage your source codes in Azure Repos. The need of Repository Repository helps you to store the codes and collaborates with the others. There are two types of modern repository. The first type is centralized, the second type is distributed. SVN (Source Code Versioning), TFVC (Team Foundation Version Control), and Subversion were the examples of centralized repository. The GitHub and Bitbucket are the examples of distributed repository. When choosing between centralized and distributed is a matter of the need and commonality. For example, GitHub was popular in open source community while the TFVC was commonly used for private or inhouse software development. Regardless with the repository model, we can use the Azure Repos for this kind purpose. Beginner Guide On this post, I will show you how to initialize, to operate, and to maintain the codes repository. We assume that you already has the Azure DevOps account , medianet_width = "600"; medianet_height = "250"; medianet_crid = "858385152"; medianet_versionId = "3111299"; Step by Step Guide Activating the Public Projects Choosing the repository Model Initializing the repository Opening the repository in Visual Studio #1 Activating the GIT support Visit the, login with your account and we ready to do an action. By the default, Azure DevOps doesn't allow you to create public project. It means you can use Azure DevOps to share your open source project. This step will activate the public project for your source codes. Just visit the policies setting and set to On. You will have confirmation to activate the public project. NOTE: never do this if you just want to share the project to the others member. This action will make your codes exposed to the public. #2 Choosing the Repository Model You can choose between GIT or TFVC. This action is not reversible. Once you already select the TFVC you can't convert to the GIT, vice versa. Choosing repository model can be done when you create a new project. Microsoft recommends the GIT. My recommendation is stick with your productivity by choosing the easiest one according yourself. #3 Initializing the repository There is no extra step to initialize the repository. On TFVC, you will see that you can download as zip and upload files. You can see the changes history in changesets. You can do selected pending based on Shelvesets On GIT, you will see a lot of option. You will see commits log, pushes activity, branches that you have, tags identification and pull request. It is quite powerful and complex. I recommend you to visit #4 Configuring the codes in Visual Studio When you open the visual studio 2019. You can select the first option namely Clone or Check out code. After that you just need to enter the URL or browse repository. You can login first with the Azure DevOps Account. By default, your visual studio will configure itself as GIT provider. You can change the behavior in Tools – Option – Source Control. However, the default source control will be ignored if you open the existing project that already have source control. After that you can do commit, push, and many others action based on your selected repos.   medianet_width = "600"; medianet_height = "250"; medianet_crid = "858385152"; medianet_versionId = "3111299";

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