If somebody said Windows 10 is for amateur OS? Please think again, it is different term when you said amateur vs user friendly. Windows 10 has several things that you can learn and can apply even on Enterprise that far from amateur 'mind-set'. This post will guide you how to learn Windows 10 both for IT Professional or Developer. This learning plan is dedicated who want to get benefit from the platform to create a custom solution on top Windows 10.
Step1. Starting by understand the benefits from the organization
In this step you will understand the benefits of Windows such as runtime provisioning, device management, data protection, secure authentication, and of course windows as a services. Just click this link to learn about it http://mic.ms/belajarwin10itpro
Step2. Ramp up your developer skill
In this step you will learn about Windows 10 universal platform, adaptive UI, adaptive codes, application lifecycle, azure background, and others. You can start your learning plan here http://mic.ms/belajarwin10dev . Before of that don't forget to download visual studio 2015 at http://mic.ms/unduhvs2015. The detail steps for this learning activity are:
Step3. Understanding .NET Native
Want to improve your application performance? This step is to understand .net native as a way to build a high performance application you can learn here http://mic.ms/mengenalnetnative
Step4. Windows 10 and Azure
You can learn any integration scenario between Windows 10 and Azure here http://mic.ms/konferensiazure2015
Step5. Enriching Your Windows 10 Experience Video
This video list will guide you an idea what Windows 10 can do and how you can do that for your business need. Just click link below http://mic.ms/win10videoindonesia
That's all, happy learning everyone!