Preparing a Project with Visual Studio Online

Background This article will cover how to prepare a project with Visual Studio Online and Agile method. This article assumes that you already have Visual Studio Online account. If you don’t have one, just create at Creating a project and version control  On your visual studio online account, create a new project You can full a project information like the ... [More]

Indonesian book about Application Lifecycle Management

This book is already written in December 2011, but the pulisher finsihed their work in October 2012. It not a perfect book but hope you can enjoy the fun of building an application in software engineering and ALM concept. You can find my latest book entritled "Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak yang dinamis dengan Global Extreme Programming" This book will tell you about how to Capturing dynamic and ever... [More]

GXP Project Documentation

You might ask several people what we need to prepare to close the project. The answer is sample "anything that we have as a project result".   Anything can be your product (Software) and its related artifacts. If your are working with a limited team you can adopt my Global eXtreme Programming (GXP) Project Documentation. GXP provides several artifacts such as Project overview statement. Th... [More]

Global eXtreme Programming, ALM, and Visual Studio 2010

Software engineering is independent. It’s not related with a specific tools. It can be applied in any tools whether Visual Studio, Eclipse, Net Bean, or anything. However, selecting a correct tool and correct method will boost your team productivity. Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 has a good relationship worth Scrum method. As I mentioned in this post, Scrum has good advantages in integration... [More]

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This blog will be dedicated to integrate a knowledge between academic and industry need in the Software Engineering, DevOps, Cloud Computing and Microsoft 365 platform. Enjoy this blog and let's get in touch in any social media.

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