vILT (virtual instructor-led training) is a way to deliver workshops through virtual methods on online platforms like Microsoft Teams, Zoom, or Webex. With vILT, maintaining student engagement via these strategies is more complex and, in some cases, impossible. For example, we cannot make eye contact with our virtual students. We cannot rely on visual prompts to help us determine student engagemen...
Yes, is it. Microsoft Certified Professional is dead and replaced with the new model of certification. Starting April 2019, they introduce role-based certification. Role-based certification directly address the need of the certification in the work field. If in the past we start the MCP by learning through technology standpoint (i.e. Web, Desktop, Enterprise). today we start our journey of certifi...
Microsoft has new brand of certification for educator like teacher, instructor, or lecturer namely Microsoft Certified Educator (MCE). MCE will cover your understanding to teach, to share, and to collaborate your knowledge with your peers or students. The certification will cover three main area which are
Digital Literacy
Teaching with Technology
Your knowledge with collaboration tools like M...