Your customer has a VM (Virtual Machine). The VM contains of Windows Server 2019, SQL Server 2019 Web Edition, and ERP Software. The VM runs on Azure with no redundancy option activated. After a year, the VM has a problem to facilitate the request from the client. Scale up is the first think that we already done. However, the scalability is not fulfilled since one VM means one single point of failure. Therefore, we will make this single VM can be available for scalability purposes. This article will discuss how to prepare scalability environment for VM with 'least effort'
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After reading Make all things redundant - Azure Application Architecture Guide | Microsoft Docs, we strongly believe that we need load balancer on our VM and create a snapshot of our VM. On our case, we are very unlucky since the database and the web application is on one VM. Therefore, we need to do some extra steps as follows
Separating between database server and application server. If you are insisting to still make one VM, you will have a risk to lose your data. Snapshot a VM anytime when your database changes is not a good idea. The options are
VM + VM SQL Azure – this is the cheapest one, but you should manage the security and patching by yourself
VM + SQL Azure – if your application cannot be moved to App Service, this is win-win solution
App Service + SQL Azure – this is the most preferred way. Just Be aware of the cost
Replicate the database in multi-region you can do by visiting here
Creating multiple VM with scalability set. On this step, you should create snapshot of your VM and put the VM behind the load balancer. You can do that by reading this tutorial. You can create with snapshot and ARM template to do that.
If you need more than one region. For example, your customer is Europe while your base is in Asia. You can create multi-region VM. You need put the VM behind the Traffic manager. You can read the architecture recommendation here . You should deploy the VM on multiple regions plus you need to maintain the VM by creating regularly snapshot.
Multi-Region in regional pairing. I recommend this one, if your customer still on the same geographical area. Doing regional pair, will make sure that the recovery will be prioritized.
Multi-Region. I recommend this approach if your customer is separated geographically.
Do you have a problem in manage your scalable solution in VM, let's talk!
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In a cloud computing solution, we can host our web application into three models: virtual machine (IAAS), managed server like Web app or EBS (PAAS), or serverless like ECS or Azure Container. So, which one do you choose?
The VM
If you do not want to spend time to migrate the VM is for you
If you need to communicate with the operating system service, the VM is for you
If you cannot find the managed server solution / like legacy application with specific framework the VM is for you.
The Web App
If you build the solution with the supported technology (current web app)
If you don't want to control the host OS
If you want the great scalability without additional configuration
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The Container.
If you want to build microservices architecture rather than monolithic
If you need a performance
If you want agnostic with a platform
You can see how easy to deploy this kind of publish setting in Azure with the Visual Studio
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