2013 will be over and Microsoft released the new Visual Studio 2013 yesterday. The question is: is it worthed for us to upgrade? This article will discuss are you really need an upgrade or you can wait until you need it.

Yes, let’s do the Upgrade
So when you should upgrade your visual studio. Here are some a good reason why you should upgrade know.
- You need to utilize the Windows 8.1 platform including the javascript debugging features
- You have a new project about web application with Javascript and want to taste the standard and modern web application with ASP.NET 4.5.1
- You get a new project and want to create better software with good Agile ALM practices
- You want to utilize mobile services on Azure platform. For example, you want to create windows phone app that connect to windows azure. VS 2013 will make your life easier
- You want to create Office Business App with the New platform for Sharepoint and Office 365 (aka. Nappa)
- You are using old Visual Studio 2012 without update or even VIsual Studio 2010
No, be patient to do the upgrade
If you fall with several condition like below, please delay your upgrade after you finished the project
- You are running team project using TFS and Visual Studio 2012, and your reammate still on Visual Studio 2012 when you upgrade your Visual Studio to 2013
- You have windows 8 store project that on the way to market and don’t need a speacial feature on Windows 8.1 (hub style, etc)
- You already have Visual Studio 2012 Update 3 and you are to busy to upgrade
So in the next post, I will share about upgrade trick to Visual Studio 2013 and remove Visual Studio 2012