Nokia Music API a Good Way to Create a Music Based Application




Today, we will explore and introduce the web services to retrieve many useful information about music called Nokia Music. Nokia music has a good foundation for a developer who wants to create music based application on Windows Phone. Let’s get started

  • Registering your personal API Key at 
  • Click add a new app, and fill your app name, description, and click save.
  • Keep your client id and client secret
  • Now, you can start your visual studio and create a project on Windows Phone 8
  • Using Nuget you can download the latest library, On your visual studio 2012, you can select the Tools menu and click the extension and updates. Select the Online tab and search Nuget Package Manager. You need to restart your visual studio


  • You will find a new menu tools – library package manager - console package manager, and you can visit the script to install is Install-Package NokiaMusic
  • You can read the capability of the Nokia Music API here
  • Calling the API seem too simple, you can use the MusicClient class like below. MyAppID contains your client ID. After creating the client object, you can use client object to call many function

MusicClient client = new MusicClient(MyAppId);

  • The full capability of the API can be seen on this picture


Happy coding,


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