As a subcriber of Safari Books Online for more than two years, i will share my personal opinion about the new interface of safari books online. We will compare the current safari books online ( with the all new interface of safaribooksonline ( Let’s get started.
What’s good on the new safari books online
- Clean interface, responsive, and compatible on many browser
- Quick search and seamless searching experience between video and book
- Recommendation system based on the reader interest
- The semantic usage of reader. For example, what section that become favourite on certain books, or how long reader will read the section of the book
- Modern video player
What’s wrong with the new safari books online
- Limited collection, I search the same query between old and the new interface. Guess what the new interface has differeny content about my query “Sharepoint 2013”

- NO favorite folders only Queue. So you can’t move your collection into a specific folder. It will become a problem if you have many subject to learn

- No support for exploring a book by years of publication. For example, you want to get a latest definition about e-learning. In the past, I just click the left side filter fo publication years but with the new interface of safari is somewhat impossible.
- No economic option for student, unemployee, or lecturer. The subscriptions cost ~200-300$, in the old safari you have 100$ option through a bookshelt model.
- The lack support of Windows Phone, Android, and Windows 8.1 client.
Verdict – upgrade now or later?
I love how Safari books structure the book on a new model. however, they forget how digital library is structured. is just like one step ahead, but two step back. If you are a book lover, the new upgrade is a must, but if you have limited budget. Keep your old safari till you need to access full library. trust me, 200$-300$ years is worthed with the Safari