Design Thinking in Software Developments

Shared requirement is an important thing when trying to have quality software. Software requirements simply record four main things: the user and his purpose, the data stored, the rules and also the limits, to the gap between impractical conditions to something more practical. Many approaches to innovating in a software requirement such as design thinking approach, user centered analysis & design, object-oriented analysis & design, and of course the requirements engineering approach. But whatever the approach, the same thing is all the needs and problems come from the user. On this occasion we will use a design thinking approach. Design thinking simply addresses the three statuses in developing requirements namely problem (pain), needs, and proposed solutions. The culmination point in a software development is the existence of innovation that acts as a value proposition or unique solution advantage compared to before.

Three principles design thinking in software development

  • Starting with the user research. User should be researched for their problems through several options of elicitation. We can do observation, interview, and questionnaire to understand the users pain point.
  • Doing creativity. Creativity about how to turn something impractical into practical. With of course considering various existing limitations.
  • Making through learning. Understand that software development is an ongoing process. so realize that the process of software development is not a one-time but rather incremental and iterative

Four steps to do design thinking in software development

  • Step 1. Understanding the user.
    • Who are the users?
    • What their pain points?
    • Ask them about how the problem 'might be' solved
    • Ask them about the constraints they have?
  • Step 2. Explore and Sketch
    • Focus what is the most important. Rank their pain points & needs.
    • Do brainstorming with the users
    • Think analogy by looking similar solution for similar problem
  • Step 3. Converging the solution
    • Converting users into specific users (persona)
    • Building the prototype for the persona.
    • Doing user acceptance test to validate your prototype.
    • Changes idealism into realistic prototype
  • Step 4. Testing and Learning
    • Evolutionary based on feedback
    • Stay open with changes
    • Have a good reason to changes otherwise stay on track

If you want to learn more, I will create a real example, just post in the comment

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