Managing Machine Learning Project in VS Code

When Your Application Need an Intelligence

You want to create application that want to utilize the machine learning. In the past, you need to prepare your computing environment and several tools such as TensorFlow and others. Today, you can manage your machine learning project easily with Visual Studio Codes. Basically, Visual Studio Codes will help you to generate script and run the script to the Azure Machine Learning Studio. Here is the main scenario that you will do when you need 'intelligence' in your app.

  • Creating the Azure Machine Learning Studio Workspace
  • Creating a computer cluster / compute instance
  • Creating configuration
  • Preparing your dataset
  • Preparing your python script
  • Creating and running experiment
  • Selecting and approving model
  • Deploying model to endpoint
  • Consuming the endpoint through an application

Configuring Your Visual Studio for Managing Machine Learning Project

To run machine learning project in VS code you need.


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