Migrating Google Drive to OneDrive for Business

Problem Google said they will cut off the unlimited support storage for non-enterprise customer "Google is Killing Unlimited Drive Storage for Non-Enterprise Users | PetaPixel" . So if you are the user of the Google Drive is a good indication you should move from the Google Drive to another platform. One of the promised platforms is Office 365. This because: If you are academic, NGO, and SMB. ... [More]

Open in Desktop App is not working in Office 365

Problem You obtain the OneDrive link, SharePoint link, Teams files, or Open in desktop app in Office online. You said that the Word/PowerPoint/Excel is opening. But nothing happens Causes This problem happens because set default type or a link type is not registered in the Windows. Solution The solution is quite simple. Make sure your Office is signed in with your one or more Office ac... [More]

OneDrive for Business Has Stopped Working Issues

Problem You have, Windows 8.1. and Office 2013 Pro Plus Installed and someday, you got an error that said OneDrive for Business Has Stopped Working – GROOVE.exe Cause There are a lot possibility, but the most common is the issues when the OneDrive fail to sync the file. Reinstall or Uninstall Office won’t help. Solution Please follow these steps Stop all the Office application that ... [More]

How to Recover Overwritten Document on OneDrive

Problem If you use OneDrive for multiple computer, you might be sometime have a problem when you edit the document offline and forgot to sync it. Microsoft Word asks you to keep your version or update from the server. If you accidentally rewrite the document and want to back to the previous version, this article is for you Solution You can’t recover the document through the desktop version o... [More]

OneDrive Get Sync Problem but All Files are Synced

Problem You sync your one drive with your PC and you get an error that tell there is a sync problem, but after you click the detail it is said the all files are up to date Causes This is because some temp files can’t be synced to your OneDrive and make a few conflict with your sync status Solution Open your OneDrive Application Find a folder that has an issue. it is symbolized by the c... [More]

OneDrive for Business Consumes a lot of Space on Office Cache

Problem When you sync your OneDrive for Business from Office 365 Pro plus / Office 2013. It consumed a same amount of disk that you are synhronized to the cloud. For example you have 2 GB documents on the cloud, if you sync it into your local files you need 2 GB + Office Cache files (2 GB). The other problem makes your Office run slower than before, because it always sync on the cloud Cause Th... [More]

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