Grabbing Music Lyric as a GEN AI dataset

  So we have a mission to get lyrics for a music. Here are some APIs we can use to fetch song lyrics: API — Public APIs. A simple and free API that allows you to retrieve lyrics by providing the artist's name and song title. It's easy to integrate and provides JSON responses. Lyrics & Music API | API.This API offers advanced features, including searching by l... [More]

12 ways to secure your codes in the cloud

When building software in C# and .NET we need to create secure codes to make sure that the software is running well. Here are some keys steps to implement secure code:  Input validation. Always validate user input to prevent attacks like SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS).   using System.Text.RegularExpressions;   string userInput = GetUserInput(); if (!Re... [More]

Creating database unit test with GitHub Copilot

Step-by-Step Guide Set Up Your Environment: Ensure you have Visual Studio installed. Install the necessary NuGet packages: Moq and xUnit. Create Your Database Mock: Use Moq to create a mock database context. Write Your Unit Test: Define  your test cases using the xUnit framework. Use the mock objects to simulate database interactions. Example Let's say you have a funct... [More]

Is Object Oriented Still Applicable?

Cloud era do We need OO? This is q good question. We have a lot scripting framework that can be used to develop sophisticated web. We have low level codes that can help build an app within a minute. We have cloud template to deploy solution in minutes. Do we still need Object Oriented (OO)? The answer is it depends. When you build a game, you might need OO. In example, unity project needs C# s... [More]

Video Game Development in .NET Framework

Video game development in Visual Studio Microsoft loves video games. Xbox, Game Pass, and DirectX is a real proof that Microsoft is committed to video game. As a result, we see a lot opportunity to build video game in any platform with Microsoft Based technology. You can see a specific section namely gaming. Microsoft has two categories: Game Development with Unity (C#) and Game Development with ... [More]

Consuming Rest API in an Easy Way

Background There are numerous ways to consume REST API in C#. Starting with HttpClient, WebClient, HTTPWebRequest and Third-Party API. On this post, I will show you how to consume REST API in an easy way with C#. Requirements For this lab we use: Visual Studio 2019 – Newton soft JSON - Rest sharp - Horosc... [More]

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