Step-by-Step Guide
Set Up Your Environment:
Ensure you have Visual Studio installed.
Install the necessary NuGet packages: Moq and xUnit.
Create Your Database Mock:
Use Moq to create a mock database context.
Write Your Unit Test: Define
your test cases using the xUnit framework.
Use the mock objects to simulate database interactions.
Let's say you have a function GetUserById that retrieves a user from the database by their ID.
// UserService.cs
using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
public class UserService
private readonly DbContext _context;
public UserService(DbContext context)
_context = context;
public User GetUserById(int userId)
return _context.Set<User>().FirstOrDefault(u => u.Id == userId);
Now, let's create a unit test for this function using a mock database.
// UserServiceTests.cs
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Moq;
using Xunit;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
public class UserServiceTests
public void GetUserById_ReturnsUser()
// Arrange
var mockSet = new Mock<DbSet<User>>();
var mockContext = new Mock<DbContext>();
var user = new User { Id = 1, Name = "John Doe" };
var data = new List<User> { user }.AsQueryable();
mockSet.As<IQueryable<User>>().Setup(m => m.Provider).Returns(data.Provider);
mockSet.As<IQueryable<User>>().Setup(m => m.Expression).Returns(data.Expression);
mockSet.As<IQueryable<User>>().Setup(m => m.ElementType).Returns(data.ElementType);
mockSet.As<IQueryable<User>>().Setup(m => m.GetEnumerator()).Returns(data.GetEnumerator());
mockContext.Setup(c => c.Set<User>()).Returns(mockSet.Object);
var service = new UserService(mockContext.Object);
// Act
var result = service.GetUserById(1);
// Assert
Assert.Equal(user, result);
Mocking the Database Context:
var mockSet = new Mock<DbSet<User>>(); creates a mock DbSet for the User entity.
var mockContext = new Mock<DbContext>(); creates a mock DbContext.
Setting Up Mock Behavior:
The mockSet is set up to return a predefined list of users when queried.
mockContext.Setup(c => c.Set<User>()).Returns(mockSet.Object); ensures that the DbContext returns the mock DbSet.
Writing the Test:
The GetUserById_ReturnsUser test method arranges the mock objects, acts by calling the GetUserById method, and asserts that the returned user matches the expected user.
Using GitHub Copilot, you can generate similar unit tests by providing clear prompts and leveraging its code suggestions to streamline the process.
Cloud era do We need OO?
This is q good question. We have a lot scripting framework that can be used to develop sophisticated web. We have low level codes that can help build an app within a minute. We have cloud template to deploy solution in minutes. Do we still need Object Oriented (OO)? The answer is it depends.
When you build a game, you might need OO. In example, unity project needs C# scripting with OO.
When you build a website, you might need OO. In example, need C# with the MVC (Model View Control)
When you build a mobile app, you might need OO. In example, building Xamarin codes.
When you build a desktop app, you might need OO. In example, building Windows Form or WPF codes.
So the most answer is YES.
Learning OO in the cloud era
So we back in the square one. What we need to learn in OO especially in the cloud era.
Setup the tools and basic language of C#. We can start to learn OO by setup the SDK, IDE, and many more.
Configuring Visual Studio
Configuring Visual Studio Codes
Understanding Class, Namespace, and Variables
Understanding Method, Parameter, and Library
Understanding Building Process in Visual Studio
Introducing UML class diagram
Abstraction. We discuss the abstraction implementation.
Abstraction concept
Abstraction C# example
Inheritance. The inheritance pillar that helps to make a class reusable
Inheritance concept
Inheritance C# example
Interface. The interface pillar that helps to make a class consistent
Interface concept
Interface C# example
Polymorphism. The pillar that helps to make a class extendable and less changes
Polymorphism concept
Polymorphism C# example
Object oriented analysis and design (OOAD)
Introduction OOAD
OOAD in example
A Pie. Putting it all together. Creating a full project in Visual Studio consoles project
Case Study project: Class Design
Case study project: relationship Design
Case study project: test design
Design patterns. Providing the information about how to create a software with the best design in mind.
Creational pattern examples
Structural pattern examples
Behavioural pattern examples
Refactoring in Visual Studio
SOLID principles. Providing the information to make OO programming more approachable and consistent
Single responsibility principle
Open/Closed principle
Liskov Substitution Principle
Interface Segregation Principle (ISP)
Dependency Inversion Principle
Object oriented in Database Layer
Database API model: ADO.NET
Database ORM Model: Entity Framework
Project Creating Database Layer
Object-oriented in-Service Layer
Web services, JSON and HTTP REST
Project Creating Service Layer
Object oriented in Desktop App
Introducing WPF, Windows Form, and UWP
Project Creating Desktop App.
Object Oriented in web App
Introducing MVC
Project Creating Web App
Object Oriented in Mobile App
Introducing Xamarin and MAUI
Project creating Mobile App
Starting 1 – 9, you can work with any sample or spike codes that shows the concept. In Chapter 10 – 14 you can build a multi-channel application that build the software from end to end.
Video game development in Visual Studio
Microsoft loves video games. Xbox, Game Pass, and DirectX is a real proof that Microsoft is committed to video game. As a result, we see a lot opportunity to build video game in any platform with Microsoft Based technology. You can see a specific section namely gaming. Microsoft has two categories: Game Development with Unity (C#) and Game Development with C++. It means you can build a video game with managed codes or native C++ codes.
Microsoft provides support for Unity (2D/3D), DirectX (2D/3D), Unreal 3D, and Cocos2D. it's more than enough for developing a game.
Additional Video Game Development tools
If you feel you need more video game development tools you can visit these links
MonoGame. It's a successor of XNA Framework. MonoGame provides multi-platform development for video game. You can visit Getting Started | MonoGame Documentation to learn more about MonoGame. What I love from MonoGame is well integrated with Visual Studio. However, it basically collection of library so you need to do extra effort to build game and contents.
GoDot. It's a new game engine. GoDot provides project manager and editor for game development. You can learn more here Godot Docs – 3.3 branch — Godot Engine (stable) documentation in English
WaveEngine. It's a professional game engine and animation based on .NET 5. You can develop AR and MR video games with WaveEngine. You can see some demos here GitHub - WaveEngine/Samples: This repository contains all the official samples of WaveEngine.
Stride. It is awesome game engine with support for multi deployment and C# 8.0 supports. You can learn more at Stride documentation | Stride (
FlatRedBall. It a good game engine for building 2D videos games. You can learn more about Tutorials – FlatRedBall
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There are numerous ways to consume REST API in C#. Starting with HttpClient, WebClient, HTTPWebRequest and Third-Party API. On this post, I will show you how to consume REST API in an easy way with C#.
For this lab we use:
Visual Studio 2019 –
Newton soft JSON -
Rest sharp -
Horoscope REST API sample –
Let's get started
#1 Creating a project with Visual Studio 2019
we created two projects the first one is Class Library and the second one is Console App. It used .NET Framework 4.7.2.
we downloaded two Nuget package: Newtonsoft JSON and RestSharp for the Class Library project
#2 Composing Classes for our REST objects
The REST API will be consumed as an object. Therefore, we created several classes and enumeration
#3 Creating Class that Consumes the REST API
We created a class that has a method to consume REST API. We deserialize the REST API as shown below. We read the content and save the result into Zodiacresult Class. Please note we use DeserializeObject (from newtonsoft) and RestClient (from restsharp).
#4 Creating Class that Display the REST API
We created a console app that consume the library. The REST API has a nested result. Therefore, the Zodiacresult contains an array namely Meta object. We consume the Meta object and accessing through their properties.
#5 Testing the result
Lets push the F5 button and you can see, we can consume the rest API easily in dotnet.
Have a question? Just put it in the comments. Enjoy your weekend.