Some Tips for Online Certification in Certiport and Pearson Vue

Corona of Corona As a certified trainer for both Microsoft Platform and Amazon Platform, certification is a mandatory activity. The most convenience exam experience is by visiting testing center near you. However, because of Corona we should do certification in our home by using our computer. This article discusses how to prepare your certification in non-technical point of view. We discuss how t... [More]

Preparing Certified Cloud Solution Architect Associate Exam

The value of certification Certification provides better preparation for us to face the real work situation. Certification also proves your capability to understand the topic. On this article, I will show you what you need to learn to pass SAA-C02. I failed once so this is my real experience to learn and to prepare the certification. #1 Learn the Study Guide from Amazon Download the study guide... [More]

Five tips to pass your Microsoft Certified Educator

Microsoft has new brand of certification for educator like teacher, instructor, or lecturer namely Microsoft Certified Educator (MCE). MCE will cover your understanding to teach, to share, and to collaborate your knowledge with your peers or students. The certification will cover three main area which are Digital Literacy Teaching with Technology Your knowledge with collaboration tools like M... [More]

How to pass your first Microsoft International certification

First time certification will be your first good or worst experience, but if you want differentiate yourself with the other. Certification will give you better understanding, better skill, and better insight about the technical competency. This tips will give you a non-technical tips about how to prepare your first innteranational certification. Tips 1. Find and understand your certification comp... [More]

Preparing Your SharePoint Certification

As the user of Visual Studio, you might know about SharePoint platform. SharePoint platform is a portal based web application that build for enterprise. Although, it has the foundation version for SMB which is free. SharePoint can easily scaled to the Enterprise or even the cloud. SharePoint has two main version the first version is On-premise and the cloud version. The on-premise version namely S... [More]

MTA Windows Server Administration Certification Guide

This certification guide will cover several windows server adminsitration fundamental that discussed on Microsoft Technology Associate certification such as Understanding installation and device requirements for Windows Server Understanding Server role on Windows Server Understaning Active Directory Understanding Storage Mechanism on Windows Server  Understanding Server M... [More]

MTA Network Security Certification Guide

This certification guide will cover several network security fundamental that discussed on Microsoft Technology Associate certification such as Understanding security layers Understanding security on an operating system Understanding security technique like Encryption Understanding Security features like NAP, Firewall, and DMZ The guide itself is on PDF and can be downloaded by c... [More]

MTA Network Fundamental Certification Guide

This certification guide will cover several network fundamental that discussed on Microsoft Technology Associate such as Understaning network concept Understanding network topology and model Understanding Switch and Router Understanding network media Understanding OSI & TCP/IP Understanding IPv4 and IPv6 Understanding naming resolution and dns The guide itself is o... [More]

Understanding Microsoft Technology Associate Certification

The number of IT students has resulted in labor market flexibility to choose the best and competent students. Students have a great challenge to prove the quality of their competence. One effort to shows competence is by following certification. Microsoft has a certification that is perfect for students which is known to the Microsoft Technology Associate (MTA). MTA is not as difficult certificati... [More]

Application Lifecycle Management Certification

Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) certification is a certification that shows the competencies of software engineer by creating, planning, and managing a project. Fundamentally, it discuss how to manage a software project using Visual Studio 2012 and Team Foundation server. ALM certification is evolutionary of MCPD Enterprise application. It gives you, a MCSD title. Earning an MCSD: Applica... [More]

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