in the previous post, I discussed about the choice for the developer to develop in the top of Office 365 platform. Today I will discuss about what kind of scenario and proper technology that you can use to build proper scenario for your customer.
Single Sign on Scenario
This is the most useful scenario. Office 365 works as a cloud identity provider. You can register your office 365 tenant in Azure Active Directory. It works as your identity provider. Learn more about SSO scenario here
Accessing the Data from Office 365 Platform
After you authenticate the user, you can obtain the data from the Office 365 platform. This can be done by registering an application as Azure App and give the proper permission. You can learn in through here
Interacting with the Document
This can be done through Add-In model. The Add-In model works with Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and many Office 365 desktop application. You can learn here
Designing for Instant Collaboration
This can be done by creating application in Teams. You can create app integration, bots, and massaging integration. You can learn here
Designing for Portal Collaboration
Of you want to create a portal based solution, you can use SharePoint to develop platform based application. You can learn here
As the user of Visual Studio, you might know about SharePoint platform. SharePoint platform is a portal based web application that build for enterprise. Although, it has the foundation version for SMB which is free. SharePoint can easily scaled to the Enterprise or even the cloud. SharePoint has two main version the first version is On-premise and the cloud version. The on-premise version namely SharePoint 2013. The cloud based version namely SharePoint Online and is part of Office 365.
SharePoint become promising in the era of paperless, and the online version will help you to create the SharePoint solution easily rather than in the on-premise version
SharePoint Certification
There are two certification for the latest SharePoint namely MCSE (MIcrosoft Certified Solution Expert) and MCSD (Microsoft Certified Solution Developer). for SharePoints. MCSE is for IT professional and MCSD is for Developers.
MCSE : SharePoint
In order to become MCSE you should pass the MCSA requirements and then follow it with two exam
Managing Office 365 Identities and Requirements (70-346)
Enabling Office 365 Services (70-347)
If you pass both certification, you will get MCSA (MC Solution Associate), you can join the course 20346B. Yes the course is look like Microsoft Office Specialist Office 365 but the MCSA more focused with the implmentation rather than usage. After pass the MCSA you can join
Core Solutions of Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013 (70-331). You can join the offline course 20331B
Advanced Solution of Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013 (70-332). You can join the offline course 20332B
Beside the offline course you can join microsoft virtual academy (MVA) for SharePoint
MCSD: SharePoint
In order to become Solution Developer for SharePoint you should pass four exam which are
Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3 (70-480). You can also join the offline course 20480B
Developing ASP.NET MVC Web Applications (70-486), You can also join the offline course 20486B
Developing Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013 Core Solutions (70-488), You can also join the course 20488B
Developing Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013 Advanced Solutions (70-489). You can also join the course 20489B
Book References
Preparing is a must and you should prepare by online, offline, or books like below