Integrating MSF Agile discipline with Telerik Team Pulse and VSTS

Simple thing should be simple, complex thing should be possible. Many of the system start from small and increasing its complexity and become big and bigger. This Indonesia article will tell you two facts which are: Visual Studio is your foundation to build any kind of system either small or big system. Team Pulse and TFS will support you when you need a set integration many of Visual Studio ... [More]

5 tips in source code management for developers

Having problem to manage your source code? or feeling inconfidence because you don’t have enough source code management. This Indonesian articlwe will share several usual tips for you and your developer team to manage your source codes bettr. You can download here or you can read here @ridife  

Estimating your software project in a hurry

Sometime a client want you to estimate how much the budget will take and how long the app will be ready. Estimation might not be precise but it will be worth to see the capability of your team to solve the project. According to Boehm (2000) estimate software can be defined as a cone of certainty. you can estimate precisely when you are in the end of the project (and I guess it will become so clear... [More]

My Educational Content

During the transition from Filesonic to Skydrive, my educational content in my blog post won't be available for a week. I will upload the educational content of this site to Skydrive in this weekend. So please be patient. Meanwhile you can download my old educational content below

Managing your distributed software project

Someday we face a problem that our project is not totally collocated, some of the team member might be separated geographically some of them might be have different discipline or come from others company. Right tool can be worked as practical solution to solve communication,coordination, and control challenge (I said it as 3C challenge). So if you feel tedious with the framework like GXP or others... [More]

Information System in {ALM} Perspectives

Noewaday, information system is not about how cool the technology, how cool the solution,or how cool the featutes. It’s about how the IS can sustain the changes. Everyday people works, innovates, and creates a new way of works. The want there is also adaptives. But IS is created from a bunch of related codes. Yesterday they said enough, but today they say nothing. Beside the others software ... [More]

Global eXtreme Programming, ALM, and Visual Studio 2010

Software engineering is independent. It’s not related with a specific tools. It can be applied in any tools whether Visual Studio, Eclipse, Net Bean, or anything. However, selecting a correct tool and correct method will boost your team productivity. Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 has a good relationship worth Scrum method. As I mentioned in this post, Scrum has good advantages in integration... [More]

2011– Microsoft KB Content Creation Flashback

Welcome 2012, new spirit, new blog, and of course new passion to become a better people. Doing a flashback in 2011, here are the list of content creation that you can read and already published in Microsoft Knowledge Base KB 2587240: Memulai Pengembangan Umbraco di Visual Studio 2010 KB 2599136: Pengenalan Umbraco API dengan Visual Studio 2010 KB 2625343: Pustaka Pemograman Ribbon di Windows... [More]

Using Visual Studio for Personal Software Process (PSP)

What is PSP Whether you are professional developer or just hobbyist, Building good software needs a strategy. If you are facing a short development time and quick prototyping might be you can use PSP (Personal software process). PSP is dedicated for a single fighter who need to build quick solution like building software component,  prototyping, console application, or might be windows clien... [More]

Agile method and ALM

In a hurry? Building in a three months or less, well you can depend on Agile method like eXtreme Programming (XP) or Scrum. In this article I will show you several things to do if you wish to use XP as your Agile method. XP flashback First of all, XP need a discipline. Forget it, if you have a team that have no spirit to work in time and always postponed their tasks. You can read the entire t... [More]

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This blog will be dedicated to integrate a knowledge between academic and industry need in the Software Engineering, DevOps, Cloud Computing and Microsoft 365 platform. Enjoy this blog and let's get in touch in any social media.


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