This Indonesian video will guide you the first step to capture system and actor requirement. This tutorial uses Visual Studio Modeling project as a part of ALM features in Visual Studio started from 2010 version. Here are some conclusions from this video
Actor and Action are the main part of use case diagram
Keep the diagram simple, eliminating the technical aspect such as extend or include, e...
Building codes is a complex activity. Therefore, we need to build a software in a rapid way without sacrificing a basic documentation for the software. In this article, it will share an approach to build a software through UML modeling but eliminating several verbose step.
This article point several activities that, we must do to build a software in a top-down model through UML modeling. These th...
Having confused with deployment option for your Client Application. In this article, it shows you that the .NET Client App has many option to deploy and to package. You can read and download the article in Bahasa Indonesia below
You can also read this article here online
Ciao, @ridife
You might ask several people what we need to prepare to close the project. The answer is sample "anything that we have as a project result". Anything can be your product (Software) and its related artifacts. If your are working with a limited team you can adopt my Global eXtreme Programming (GXP) Project Documentation. GXP provides several artifacts such as
Project overview statement. Th...
Information System (IS) is everywhere. From small market, medium company, and huge enterprise already use the information system. Nowadays IS is complex but it should simple as possible. IS product is everywhere, but the product has a short lifetime during the competition with others product, low agility with business process, and slow adoption to the new organization.
The short lifetime is not t...
Building a software in a night will be your great test for your survivebility. There is a good event in Yogyakarta called Windows 8 Hackathon, with more than 1000 developers registered (including you!), we encourage you to win and survive. Therefore, you must prepare enough to 24 hours battle here are the 8 step for survival preparation for Windows 8 Hackathon events
Activating your Live ID. Ye...
This article will cover what we need to know first in order to build Windows 8 Apps. If you already read this article why don’t you register to the biggest Windows 8 events in Yogyakarta at here
You can download the Indonesian article here or read online here
Last night, we found that we still need a lot improvement to handle virtualization in consumer era. Microsoft itself lack of support in consumer segment. For instance, the old virtual PC is still immature and easy replaced with Windows Virtual PC in Windows 7, but as you know it is not famous as the Virtual Box or VMware desktop. In Windows 8, Microsoft did seriously with virtualization ...
This bahasa tutorial will cover basic understanding of project management budgeting techniques. Enjoy 17 minutes of this screencast video
Simple thing should be simple, complex thing should be possible. Many of the system start from small and increasing its complexity and become big and bigger. This Indonesia article will tell you two facts which are:
Visual Studio is your foundation to build any kind of system either small or big system.
Team Pulse and TFS will support you when you need a set integration many of Visual Studio