Nowadays, If you want to search a new document collaboration software or you want to separate your work document with the personal document or club document, you have a lot alternative. One of the good alternative is Asus Web Storage. Although the space is relatively small (5 GB for free), you can put your document for free and collaborate effectively. Here are the benefit of Asus WebStorage
- Available on any platform
- Efficient sync model (fast upload and fast download)
- Collaboration support
- Internet printing support with 7-eleven printing services
- Tiny foot print for synchronization services
- Work fast for mobile platform like Android, Windows Phone, and IOS.
However, here are the limitation of Asus Web Storage
- Dull experience on web storage
- Lack of multimedia features on web storage site
- Limited space only 5 GB for free account
Therefore, Asus Web Storage is great for
- Document sharing with the team or your blog
- data backup and recovery plan
- Mobile storage to keep sync between multiple devices
- Uploading your personal collection to bit cast it using MyBitCast application
- The asus device owner to get free or discounted storage
You can register the asus web storage here for free