My teammate feel not really satisfied with the ALM features on VIsual Studio 2013. It is great, but lack of simplicity for small to medium project. After using Visual Studio for almost than 15 years, I agree that ALM is a good feature, but not as for startup who still fighting with the client changes and codes horror. Of you already subscribe to visualstudio.com and feel that you still
- focusing on the codes or API usage.
- focusing on the collaboration between client and you in terms of changes control.
- focusing on planning schedule rather than thinking the burndown chart.
If you feel like the situation above is same with your team. This article is for you, this article will show you how to minimize the usage some of redundant TFS features on small and mediim project. This practices is already done on more tha five projects that run on two till six months. We call this practice as ALM minimalist. The ALM minimalist purpose is to
- Empower the client and your team through multimodal communication
- Empower the team to focus on creating quality codes by adopting eXtreme Programming practices
- Empower the coach / project manager to minimize the changes and to get better revenue on a project.
With the three purposes of ALM Minimalist. the practice needs several subscriptions for your team which are
After you subscribe both services, we will discuss how to utilize the services for ALM activities, see you in the next post.