ALM Learning Plan (Chapter 1)

Software architect is a good role, but need a lot preparation. If you have 24 hours learning time and you need to ramp-up your knowledge on software engineering / application lifecycle management. This resources can be used for your learning plan. The copyright of the course materials is owned by Microsoft and ALM Rangers.

Chapter 1 – Build The Right Software

The focus of this chapter is to build the right software based on the requirements. It also focused the right process to capture requirement and to create model

Session One – Introducing ALM as Software Engineering Framework (2h)

On this session participant should understand two concepts. The first one is software engineering and the second one is ALM. You can finish this session for two hours

Session Two – Requirements Engineering (4h)

On this session participant should understand how to create bullet-proof requirements using Agile process and method

Session Three – Project Planning (4h)

On this session participant should understand the key of the planning. it is includes how to create adaptive planning, creating a priority, and adjusting the changes into the plan.

So it’s 10 hours to learn about the topics. If you need more detail about the session please see these book as a good references for the sessions


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