Bot Fundamental Concept

One of the biggest way to build a smart apps are by putting conversation knowledge to your app. Bot is one of the most demand application on any domain. This article will discuss about the bot fundamental concept before discussing about how to create the bot uses bot framework.

Bot Basic Architecture

Just imagine how Cortana works when you said "show me weather for today". She changes the voice into a text, input it into a service like Foreca and then the result is converted into a text. When you do that there are four components.

  • You
  • Channel (like Facebook, Web, event Slack)
  • Bot (like Cortana)
  • Services (like Bing, Weather Forecast)

Bot Implementation Stage

There are three stage of bot implementation

  • Stage 1 - One Channel and Command based
  • Stage 2 - Multiple Channel and Command based
  • Stage 3 – Multiple Channel and Natural Language Processing

Bot Framework Architecture

The modern bot like on bot framework we use the concept

  • Channel (like Line)
  • Connector (like Open Services or API)
  • Bot (your Bot Engine)

The communication data uses JSON and REST architecture.

Getting Started with Bot Framework

After understanding the bot architecture you can start your development product here.

That's it enjoy your weekend

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