Software Development Best Practices

As a software engineer, i feel overwhelming with the software development process. Although, it's been more than decades to learn about it and plus my doctoral degree is in software engineering. i don't have any confidence that our software will have less bugs, better performance, and stable architecture. This is because several reasons such as:

  • requirements changes
  • lack of better architecture (chaos architecture)
  • untested software

So my real question is how we create better software and eliminating that problem. Let's think simple solution about this:

  • Requirements changes --> unavoidable --> we should take care the changes by giving our customer chance to change as long as they pay
  • Lack of better architecture --> can be avoided --> we should create a standard platform in the team and the architect should maintain the document so it should up to date
  • Untested software --> can be avoided --> we can create a standard process to make sure the software is tested and the bugs is eliminated.

Requirements Changes

the way to improve the requirement process is by

  • Creating a series workshop / meeting session to improve the requirement visibility
  • Managing clear documentation about the requirement and the requirement changes.
  • Tracking the changes about the requirement and the requirement changes.

So what tool do you have for these:

  • Azure DevOps
  • Microsoft Planner
  • Microsoft OneNote

You can learn further here Manage requirements, Agile methods - Azure DevOps | Microsoft Docs

Lack of Better Architecture

The way to improve better architecture are:

  • Evaluate the architecture with the architecture best practices
  • Learning the new technology that can fulfill you architectural need
  • Implement standardization of your platform and architecture task

So what tool do you have for these:

  • Visual Studio 2022 or later to check the code map, and code analysis
  • Visio or PowerPoint to create and propose your architecture work
  • Azure WIKI to document your architecture

You can learn further about the architecting here

Untested Software

The way to improve your software quality are:

  • Regular testing. For example, do software testing for each iteration
  • Creating your testing script. For example, you can create manual testing on Azure DevOps or automated testing with Visual Studio
  • Get Feedback from customer. Do feedback session with the client for each iteration.

So what tool do you have for these:

  • Visual Studio unit testing and testing feature
  • Azure DevOps testing feature
  • Microsoft Teams for documenting your meeting

You can learn further about the testing here

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