Creating package with Azure Artifacts

Package is reusable component that can be reused between projects. On Azure DevOps, there is Azure artifact that can help the team to manage the package. Package can be made by many standardized platform such as Marven, NPM, NuGet, etc. The package is hosted privately in Azure Artifacts. If you want to know what is Azure Artifacts please view the video.  On this article, we will discuss five steps to create package. 

  • Create your package. My recommendation is using NuGet package manager. NuGet package manager can be developed in Visual Studio. Please follow the tutorial 
  • If you have core project you can follow this sample project to understand the compatibility of your codes
  • After having the package you can host the package in Azure Artifacts. Please follow the article to host the package 
  • After the package is hosted you can configure your visual studio yiu can follow the documentation 
What you need to know is, the Azure Artifacts is just like mini NuGet. It provides you secure and private repository. However, you need to understand that several limitation exist such as:
  • Class library only, you can't use the package for more complex scenarion such as template / partial view
  • Resetup for each project. every new project need you to reconfigure
  • Self maintain, if your package depend on other package you should reconfigure by yourself
that's it hopefully you can create your own package for your own project. Let me know if you have difficulty. 

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