Implementing Lean in Agile Process

Let's say you're developing a Web Application that utilizes AI for livestock disease detection. Here's how you can apply Lean in your Agile process:

  • Identify Value: Prioritize features that enhance disease detection accuracy and provide timely alerts to farmers. For example, notification is primary feature that should be prioritize. 

  • Eliminate Waste: Remove any unnecessary steps in the development process that don't directly contribute to these features. For example, since the process is quite straightforward, we don't need to create business process diagram 

  • Create Flow: Streamline the integration of IoT devices and data analytics to ensure seamless operation. We use CI/CD to automate the build process and also use the flow. 

  • Implement Pull Systems: Use Kanban boards to manage tasks related to device integration, data collection, and alert systems.

  • Empower Teams: Allow your team to make quick decisions regarding device configurations and data processing techniques. For example, technical teams invite vendor to discuss and to compare device configuration. 

  • Build Quality In: Use automated tests to ensure the accuracy and reliability of disease detection algorithms. For example, we use NUnit to test the system. 

  • Measure and Optimize: Track metrics like detection accuracy, response time, and farmer satisfaction to continuously improve the solution. we can use App Insight to measure the application perform and use Azure Open AI studio to validate it!

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