No Credit Card Solution for Windows Developer Account

This article will cover and make an effort to help student / people who don’t have a credit card and want to create great app on the windows phone and windows store. In the past, student already happy with the Dreamspark voucher code, but the integration between two accounts make the student should have a credit card to validate the account. So here are the tips. Tips 1 Having a bank account that... [More]

Having Verify Account Issue in Azure

Problem When you login to the Windows Azure management portal you get this URL        Solution Thare are no DIY (do it yourself) about this issue. All you can do is contact a support from this links. default.aspx-gprid=17024&st=1&wfxredirect=1&sd=gn Cheers @ridife

Tips to Migrate Your Windows Azure Web

Problem You want to move your Windows Azure solution Web Site from your subscriptions to the others Solution Solution A. Make Sure it has same service administrator If you have a same service administrator email between your source subscription and the target subscription, you just contact the support to move the web for you. For example, my subscription A used my [email protected] and my target subs... [More]

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This blog will be dedicated to integrate a knowledge between academic and industry need in the Software Engineering, DevOps, Cloud Computing and Microsoft 365 platform. Enjoy this blog and let's get in touch in any social media.

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