This article will cover and make an effort to help student / people who don’t have a credit card and want to create great app on the windows phone and windows store. In the past, student already happy with the Dreamspark voucher code, but the integration between two accounts make the student should have a credit card to validate the account. So here are the tips. Tips 1 Having a bank account that has VCN (Virtual Card Number) So what is VCN?, VCN is just like VCC (Virtual Credit Card) but is different than VCC. If VCC is created by using your credit card / front payment, the VCN is created by using your debit card within selected bank. In Indonesia, There are two major banks that has VCN features which are BNI (Bank Negara Indonesia) and Bank Mandiri. Other bank might be have VCN also features, you can see the VISA logo in Mandiri, and Mastercard logo in BNI that is the clue that support a fundamental characteristics of VCN. Maestro or cirrus based card like BCA card didn’t have this feature for now. VCN will give you a credit card like number including the three digit verification. This will work with Windows Store account (including with Windows Phone) but might not work within Azure. Activate the VCN on BNI Activate the VCN on Mandiri Tips 2 Link your debit card with VCC (Virtual Credit Card) Entropay is a VCC merchant provider, you can register with entropay and create a virtual credit card. You can link your debit card with this VCC. This technique might work for windows store / windows phone, but not work with Windows Azure. Entropay support to link your debit card such as BCA Card and others and the good news you can create as many as VCC that you need for your friend and your developer community Activate VCC using Entropay Tips 3 Asking Your Parent and Relatives to borrow their CC This might be silly, but after all this is the best solution if you have a parent that has a credit card. you can ask them to create a VCC or directly use their account to validate your microsoft store Hope this help several people who need a temporary solution to validate their account, feel free to ask a question on the comments. In the future, education team from microsoft will give you a good solution rather than these three tips, so please take care and be patient. Cheers, Ridi
Problem When you login to the Windows Azure management portal you get this URL Solution Thare are no DIY (do it yourself) about this issue. All you can do is contact a support from this links. default.aspx-gprid=17024&st=1&wfxredirect=1&sd=gn Cheers @ridife
You want to move your Windows Azure solution Web Site from your subscriptions to the others
Solution A. Make Sure it has same service administrator
If you have a same service administrator email between your source subscription and the target subscription, you just contact the support to move the web for you. For example, my subscription A used my
[email protected] and my target subscription use the
[email protected] . if the condition exists just contact Azure Support Here
Solution B. Move your Web Manually
This solution has several steps but it worth to try if you don’t have same account between services administrator.
Configure SQL Server so that you can access it through SQL Server Management Studio, you can do that by following these steps
Connecting your SQL Azure using SQL Server Management Studio. This tutorial shows you how to do that
Select your database, select the context menu, select tasks, and then copy the database to the azure SQL database. Make sure you are using SQL Server 2012 management studio and both SQL Azure is allowed to connect from your IP Address
Open your website configuration and select dashboard, in the right pane, you can see the FTP and the credentials. if you forgot the password of your FTP just select. Reset your deployment Credentials
Use an application like FileZilla or others FTP client to connect to the server using the login that you get from the source dashboard. Download the /wwwroot folder to yours local file
After finished, open the web.config and configure the new connection string from your target database. Be sure to changes and option that related with the servers
Now create a new website site in your target subscriptions and connect to the FTP services using your FTP client
Transferring your files, and your web site is migrated
That’s it, if you want to learn azure more you can grab several good book like below (and it less than 15$)