Managing Machine Learning Project in VS Code

When Your Application Need an Intelligence You want to create application that want to utilize the machine learning. In the past, you need to prepare your computing environment and several tools such as TensorFlow and others. Today, you can manage your machine learning project easily with Visual Studio Codes. Basically, Visual Studio Codes will help you to generate script and run the script to t... [More]

Accelerating .NET development in AWS

.NET is a first-class citizen in Microsoft Azure. However, you might have a customer who want to develop with .NET but use their existing Amazon AWS infrastructure. Is it hard to start with non-Microsoft environment? This article shows my experience when having Microsoft .NET solution but hosted in AWS. Terminology between AWS and Azure As a developer, we might think that is a solution in AWS do... [More]

Test Driven Development in Go Language with VS Codes

On this article, we want to show you how to implement test driven development in Go Language with VS Codes. What is Test Driven Development Test Driven Development (TDD) is a programming technique when you do test first development. It is introduced in the era eXtreme Programming with their Agile process. The idea of test driven is like this Create the empty function with input and output. C... [More]

Visual Studio Codes and GIT Beginner Tutorial Revisited

Four years ago, I created a tutorial about how to use GIT in Visual Studio Codes. Time pass by, Visual Studio Codes provides better integration with GIT in their current version. In this article, we will show you how to use GIT easily in the Visual Studio Codes Before we go Before we dive into the integration between Visual Studio Codes and GIT. You need to have: Current version of visu... [More]

Comparing Xamarin and Cordova on Visual Studio 2015

In Visual Studio 2015, you have two options to build mobile apps. The first one is to use the power of the modern web (HTML5+CSS+JS) and the second one is to use the power of C# and object oriented language. This article will discuss those two implementation namely Apache Cordova for building mobile app using the power of web, and Xamarin to develop with the C# language. Xamarin Some of you mig... [More]

Visual Studio ALM is now Platform-Agnostics

Starting from year 2015 and beyond, Visual Studio has three members which are Visual Studio IDE. A complete end to end application lifecycle management solution for you to plan, build, deploy, and operate your solution. Today Visual Studio supports major development target such as Windows, Android, and IOS. Therefore its platform-agnostics support for any need of development. However, its only... [More]

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