As an Agile developer, you might need to convert your business process to user story. The hard part is to make sure that the user story doesn't eliminate or reduce the clarification of software requirements. On this article, we want to share about five steps to convert your business process to user story. In order to reproduce this tips, we encourage you to register into and understand the DevOps Board. So let's get started
Step 1. Identifying roles / actor
This is an easy step; you should convert the swim lane in business process modelling notation / flowchart into a actor or roles. You should identify the relation between one actor with the other. For example, member actor is a registered user who pay the subscription bill. Or admin is a registered user who promoted by another admin.
Step 2. Converting the block diagram into action
Each block can be converted into a user story action. For example, the order entry can be an action for sales. The credit criteria validation is an action for Management. The action phrase can be used as a title of your backlogs.
Step 3. Creating user story phrases
Remember the class? You can use this formula to create user story
As an (actor) I want to (action) so that (outcome)
For example, as a member I want to view unlimited learning videos so that I gain XP (eXperience Point) and knowledge. You can put the title into Boards
Step 4. Managing Epic, Features, and Story / Backlog
You can start your user story as a baseline of your user requirements. Here is the rule of thumbs:
- Mission can be an Epic for a software
- Capability can be features
- One feature will have one – many user story
Our recommendation is start with the user story or features. You can add it into your Azure DevOps.
Step 5. Add the Usage Scenario in User Story Description
If the business process should be clarified, you can add the detail of business process in the description of the user story. In Azure DevOps you can put business rules and the other process in the description
That's it steps to convert the business process to a user story. Happy weekend