Organizing Multi Account Azure Environment for Cost Optimization

In this article, we will discuss how to step through a multi-account Azure Environment for Cost Optimization. An organization might need to restructure its multi-accounts. Here is why.

  1. Multi-Account means that the account belongs to each of the responsible roles. This is good when Azure's budget is separated between divisions.
  2. Multi-Account means we can open as many subscriptions as we need. For example, one subscription is for Pay As You Go, one is for DevTest, and others are for Collaboration.
  3. Multi-account means we can consolidate using manage organizations and have separate Microsoft Entra IDs. This is great for companies that build in Microsoft Azure for their customers. So any development won't mess up their Entra ID.


So here are the steps.

  1. Create management groups. Manage your Azure subscriptions at scale with management groups - Azure Governance - Azure governance | Microsoft Learn
  2. Structure your subscriptions, for example,
    1. Research subscription - for research purposes.
    2. Development Subscription - for development purposes
    3. Your customer subscription—managed services for the production server. I recommend you create one subscription for customers with a huge workload.
    4. Product subscription—This is an internal system in the organization, such as a website, internal information system, DevOps subscriptions, and many more.
  3. Structure the organization by managing group roles Organize subscriptions into management groups and assign roles to users - Microsoft Defender for Cloud | Microsoft Learn
  4. Create resource groups based on the Project. Manage resource groups - Azure portal - Azure Resource Manager | Microsoft Learn
  5. Managing tags. The organization should have tags to consolidate tags for any activities such as "safe to delete" "production" "expired" "high transaction" etc. Tag resources, resource groups, and subscriptions with Azure portal - Azure Resource Manager | Microsoft Learn


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